gah, nothing annoys me more than just now, finding a video clip that would have been fucking perfect for me to use in our presentation last week,
god dammit DX A clip from some metal documentary (I think?) with an american dude explaining the visual kei phenomenon and how awesome X is, clips of X performing, and a comment from yoshiki (in english~! of course ^^) about X and how when they started, they were like the black sheep of the family (for being visual) and tv shows and stuff wouldn't even interview them... but then they sold 20 million albums so they kinda had to xD;; And it was even a short clip, only about 2mins.... blah. Oh well *LESIGH* ._. can't do anything now...
Speaking of youtube and X though... I spent pretty much my entire evening on youtube looking up old X, hide, and luna sea clips xD mostly lives.... and I found one really really old clip of Yoshiki being interviewed, and he was only 20. 20 >w< omfg so cute. And Also X's first time on tv... which was actually before hide and Pata joined, so... epically old xD;;;; it was funny though, they guy interviewing was like "so which one of you is Deyama-san..." And Toshi's like "it's Toshi D:" xD;;; (well, I think that's kinda it... really bad quality, so yeah)
And then.... I found this (below) and... dammit I could cry.... it shouldn't be hard to work out why when you see the date on it ;3;
Click to view
*sniffles* ah but I love that song...
...anyway. I don't really have anything useful to say, just annoyed about finding that yoshiki clip now instead of last week. Bah. So... I guess it's blog checking then bedtime.
...oh wait. I've failed epically at birthdays... so... catch up time xD;;
For the 5th:
...I wish I could remember where I got that pic of Miku, maybe it was on his myspace... anyway, I think it's cute ^^ So a very NYAPPY birthday to Miku o(≧∀≦)o And Teppei is always cute (that pic is from his blog, btw ^^), please see
this video (that I posted a couple of weeks ago?) if you need convincing xD;;; I can't believe he's only a year older than me, wtf and I can't believe I didn't know/forgot about his birthday D: *epic fail* I think I need to go find that Junon mag and get that jpop ikemen/bishie calendar out, bahaha ...hmm, I wonder if Teppei's gonna turn from cute to sex now he's 23, like Pon and Tsune did last year? Honestly... there must be something about that age. Think about it ¬.¬ (though... I think I'd prefer a cute Teppei xD)
Anyway, and then for the 7th:
It was Atsuto's birthday, he's the drummer in Sugar and Ruka's stunt double xD. I don't have a pic but that's ok, he's not really that interesting to look at xDD but, I still acknowledge his birthday :3
Phew, now a break from b'days, until one big one *cough* later in the month which is followed directly by a ton of others. Ah well...
Anyway... bedtime~