(no subject)

Nov 25, 2007 19:36

Just a random list thing I found whilst searching for Sugizo pics today XD It amused me (and most of my flist will most likely find some form of amusement from it as well). My comments (on some) are italics XD

You know you love Jrock when...

1. People are afraid to come into your room, because of the "scary posters" on the walls.
2. Everyone thinks you like girl bands.
3. It's incredibly entertaining to tell guys that those "hot chicks" are actually guys. [this is a great deal of fun XD and not just telling guys, either]
4. You can no longer understand why some people think certain Jrockers are girls. "Die? A girl? No way, he looks so manly!" [...yes, though Die wouldn't be one I'd argue over, lmao]
5. You are considering dying your hair to match a certain Jrocker.
6. You understand that pink can be a very evil color.
7. Spiders no longer bother you, especially not pink ones. [pink or not, spiders still bother me A LOT. I do love the song, though 8D]
8. You try to compliment people by using Jrock. "You look very Mana today." "Your shirt is so Die!" *tempted to do this now*
9. Horror movies dont really bother you anymore, They're nothing compaired to malice mizer and dir en grey. [MM never scared me o.O I thought (...still think...) they're cool...]
10. You fantasize about spray painting naked people onto buildings. Geez, it's called pornograffitti you know. [...I laughed so hard at this XD yes, I'm sad... but PG were the first Jrock I ever heard ^^]
11. You name things after Jrockers. [uh... *guilty* Main computer is Tora, USB thumbdrives are Yomi and Miyavi ^^; *lame*]
12. You dont understand why guys get offended when you call them pretty. Isnt that a good thing?
13. You can't go a day, without doing something related to Jrock. [*raises hand* yeah, that's be me...]
14. You always get marks off in english, because you cant seem to spell the word "hide" with a capital "h".
15. You plan on inventing a sex machine gun, although you arent completely sure how.
16. Your doctor thinks you're weird, because you were excited when he prescribed you penicillin.
17. You dont actually take french class, yet you know a bunch of french words and phrases. *cough*L'arc~en~Ciel, Moi dix Mois, Rentrer en Soi, Pierrot, etc*cough*
18. You inform any guy who hits on you, that you only like pretty guys who wear makeup. [I am really tempted to do this from now on XD might solve my 'annoying drunk creeps/geeks' problems, lol]
19. Your friends often wonder if you are gay. why else would you have pictures of those japanese girls posted all over your locker?
20. You can no longer bear the sight of body hair, and strongly believe that all guys should shave.
21. You celebrate Jrockers birthdays. In fact, your day book is filled with Jrock birthdays. *hides calendar/planner* ¬.¬;;
22. You no longer care when pretty people look ugly without makeup. As long as they always wear makeup its all good! ^_^
23. You've started to think that the american music scenes are incredibly boring. I mean, everyone makes such a big deal when brittany spears kisses other girls. Yet, in japan, Gackt humping guys is like a daily basis. *snickers* [so true...]
24.You can always tell which are the crossdressers and which are the real woman. [usually ¬.¬ Miyavi was the first one to trick me (it loaded from the top down, and for whatever reason I was slow and didn't notice the tattoo? ^^; *fails*), as did Bou, at first. I don't get tricked so easy now though XD]
25. You laugh when someone mentions Audry Hepburn, because you know that Shinya dressing up as her looks waaaaaaaaaaay better, and hes a guy.
26. During the endurance run in gym, you're panting and about to give up, when you remember Mana jogs for one hour every morning. You suddenlly are filled with energy, and does better then the rest of the class. [...the mental images of Mana in sportswear are rather disturbing... x.X]
27. You no longer think Psycho le cemu is weird, and find them amusing
28. You somehow find ways to relate your homework essays to Jrock.
29. Since you began liking visual kei bands, the sight of blood never bothers you. [it never did, lol]
30. You often read lists like these.
31. You often MAKE lists like these.
32. When you're foot falls asleep you tell people you have plastic syndrome type II.
33. You're proud to tell other people, that your dog or cat is home to several BUCK TICKS.
34. Guy X guy doesnt bother you. In fact you love it. *cough* ¬.¬;;
35. You overhear your parents talking about Luna sea, and feel disapointed when you learn that they were only talking about a cruise ship.
36. You feel that December Love by gackt would count as christmas music, and you listen to it while decorating your tree. [...Juunigatsu no Love Song, maybe. December love just amuses me with it's engrish XD Besides, Hurry Xmas, anyone? 8DD]
37. Vanilla has become a dirty word to you, and you giggle when you hear it. [along with "magnum" *snickers* ice cream will never be the same again.... lmao]
38. Mana looks prettier then over half of the real girls you know. [replace Mana with Hyde, and you've got a deal XD]
39. When its time to say goodbye to someone, you start singing "Say good bye
tada Good bye...
Subete no wazurawashisa ni Good bye"
40. Your english teacher has also been taking marks off your work, because you spell the word "science" as "psyence"
41. Your parents take you to a psychologist because of the Dir en Grey lyrics written on your binder.
42. The only CDs you have are japanese. [I wish ;o; I'm working on it, but a long long way to go...]
43. You dont mind making long distance calls.
44. You can't understand why people dont think Kyo is cute. "He looks so cute and little, with that blood running out of his mouth, dont you think?" [honestly, Kyo disturbs me o.O]
45. People can tell what sort of mood you are in, with which side of your eye the black eye liner streak is running down.
46. You are confused when people ask you if certain Jrockers are gay. "Um...yes, Aiji did kiss kirito, but it's pretty obvious he's not gay."
47. To get into the valentines day spirit, you listen to valentine by D'espairs ray.
48. The word grotesque makes you smile. [it does now :D lol]
49. Your mission is to create as many Jrock fans as possible. [Damn right - just ask my poor friends, lol]
50. You find yourself thinking, "wow... that girl would make such a hot guy." MOST of the time.
51. You constantly tell others that the manly girl on the dance poster "totally" looks like an ugly guy but they don't agree with you and tell you that it looks like a perfectly fine girl.
52. You like collecting plastic trees ...everyone thinks it's quite odd when you say they're cute.
53. You are always gender confused, thinking, "Is that a hot guy or a guy-ish girl? Oh please let it be a hot guy!!!"
54. You can't possibly understand why anyone could think that Gackt is a girl, he's so manly!!! [oh god yes~ *_*]
55. You and your Jrock-loving friends now almost always talk in made up words...but you still understand each other because Jrock-fan-minds think alike.
56. It no longer bothers you when you see people type J-rock as Jrock nor do you really even notice the difference, infact you now usually type it as Jrock. [strangely enough, true]
57. When people ask you if you're high, you reply "yes, on lemoned." [♪It's a lemon, lemon, lemoned I scream, yeah~♪]
58. You actually think Gackts dancing is quite good! [depends on when we're talking... does humping bandmates count, or raping microphone stands? no? Well, sexy hip wiggling will have to do, then X3 Teh hips don't lie, babeh~]
59. Because of Kyo, you have become desensitised of vomit.
60. You're actually starting to think Marilyn Manson is normal. [strangely enough, looks-wise at least, yes o.O Visual Kei has messed with my brain...]
61. You do NOT like the currently popular american music. [...I don't think I ever really did, ha]

Wow, that was longer than it seemed at the time ¬.¬

I've finally ordered my copy of L'arc~en~Ciel's album KISS (check out this ad for it... al;cnlajbvljvb *flails like whoa*), as well as their singles Daybreak's Bell (see PV) and Hurry Xmas (see PV), as well as アリス九號. (alice nine.)'s single Tsubasa (see PV), for Jinnizzle ♥ I can't wait for it to arrive~ You can never have too much L'arc, seriously. I certainly can't 8D

Oh, and speaking of Hurry Xmas, there should be more christmas songs that finish with "Thank you~ jesus" XDDD I can't help but laugh every time... ah Hyde, I do adore you X3 Also, the b-side to Hurry Xmas is I Wish 2007, aka P'unk~en~Ciel version of "I WIsh"... I've got to hand it to the boys, I didn't think it was possible to p'unk this song, but it works! And it sounds good with Tetsu singing :D (If you want to hear the original, it's on L'Arc~en~Ciel's True album). See the PV here if you're curious (yes, a pv to a p'unk song... I know, wtf right? But it's awesome).

Next round of ordering will be アリス九號.'s album ALPHA, and most likely one or two of the following: Gackt's single Redemption (yes, I'm slow... but I love it and it has Genesis!Gackt on the cover, dammit! PVs: Gackt version and Dirge of Cerberus version), 宮野 真守 (Miyano Mamoru)'s single Kuon (Mamo = ♥♥♥), WaT's single Awaking Emotion 8/5 / My Brand New Way [Eiji Wentz Jacket Ver.] (Eiji ftw... see the PV, this song owns my soul -as does Eiji, but that's beside the point ~_^), or アンティック-珈琲店- (Antic Cafe)'s 覚醒ヒロイズム ~THE HERO WITHOUT A "NAME"~ (Kakusei Heroism) (because AnCafe are the latest cool thing for me XD (This song sold me completely, plus Takuya (guitar) is the very definition of cute! See the PV here). Oh yeah, and I really want to get my hands on FFVII: Crisis Core, so that's definitely in consideration in lieu of a few singles (coz I want to see Genesis actually have a role in a game, not just 15 seconds of fame in a secret ending) :3

...i really do ramble about jrock too much ^^;; I'm not even going to go into the pics of Sugizo I did find after all that XD; Another day, maybe...

And random, but I've been having Gackt cravings, as of the last hour or so (my musical tastes differ constantly... it was An Cafe last night, D this arvo...) So I think I'll shove my Gackt discography on shuffle and... indulge myself for a while~ o(≧∀≦)o
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