Mar 16, 2011 00:02
This is really random, but I was just looking for an easy way to switch to half-width katakana while typing (don't ask xD) and found these keyboard shortcuts. So for anyone else that might be typing on a Mac ^^ and for my own reference:
To change text to katakana: press option + x
To change text to romaji: press option + s
To change text to full-width romaji: press option + c
To change text to half-width katakana: press option + a
This can only be done while the text is still underlined, that is, before you hit spacebar or enter to get the word suggestion. They also require the specified mode to be available in the kotoeri input menu I think.
option + s is especially useful when you're still in Japanese mode and entered something that needs to be in romaji (like a URL)
I'd like to point out again, this is ONLY for kotoeri (ことえり), the japanese input method on Mac. Pretty sure it won't work on the Windows IME coz since when has M$ ever made anything easier to use? xD
Anyway… not much else to say xD
stuff to remember,