So… I suppose I should try and sum up this year. Maybe xD;;
Tbh, I think my happy!Ryo!popsicle and sad!Uchi!popsicle icon kinda sums it up… heck the last couple of days have probably been warm enough to melt popsicles :'D
Imma use 山P to help me coz the title of his upcoming album is appropriate. And I like the limited edition cover xD;
um… well lets start with now. WTF, LARAKU. A countdown on your OHP for ustream, get everyone excited, and then… WE GET TO WATCH PEOPLE WANDERING IDEK. I got a little bit of Neo Universe pv at the end there before it went offline, too. Idk, I'm just disappointed, I guess. I wanted an announcement ¬.¬ (I wasn't silly enough to expect to see any of an FC only live, after all)
no GPKISM this year. Not surprised I'm not sure if Kiwamu even likes Ken anymore ahaha but sad coz it meant I didn't get to see/hangout with Migumi this year. NO HUGS FOR SAGACCHI ._. …plus y'know, I love seeing GPKISM perform and chatting to Ai and such.
Visual Kei. YEAH, PRETTY MUCH ALL OF IT. Seriously, I'm sick of disbandings (or demises…), hiatus (hiatii?), people leaving/getting sick or injured/DYING, OMFG ;3;
To some extent, DaizyStripper ¬.¬;; I still love them dearly, but damn those albums were a disappointment, at least to me. I probably should have just bought off CD Japan (instead of Brand-X) and saved a little money, coz I guess it was the bonus comment dvds that disappointed me most… oh well, can't do much now ¦D
Akanishi Jin. Idc about you so much anymore, Bakanishi. You almost ruined one of my fav groups, dammit.
Japanese tv stations cancelling a heap of JE-related shows (and yet still letting Arashi have 3 - YES THREE - of their own). I mean srsly… Cartoon KAT-TUN was one thing (well it's demise was imminent, Akanishi things considered), but… Utaban? WHAT IS A WORLD WITHOUT UTABAN, SRSLY /wrist. I mean… how else would we have ever known about Gackt's magnum. WON'T SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE MAGNUM.
I hate that all my friends who graduated have some idea of what they want to do, or already have a job lined up, etc…
OH YEAH, THE HARDDRIVE CRASH. Back up your shit people, SERIOUSLY. Trust me on that. My photos from most of this year up to september… ._.
Also… family stuff. Without going into detail, let's just say… what I'm dealing with, parent-wise, most people my age wouldn't have to deal with with their GRANDparents for like another 10-20 years. Life sucks ¬.¬
Moving on.
I graduated from uni… hmm, I guess this is a good thing xD Though tbh I'd be happy if I never did programming again, LOL. I'm bored as though, idk what to do without uni… guess I'll just keep doing TAFE until I find someone who may want to hire me?
JOHNNYS. Srsly JE has made me so happy this year… it kinda took the place of VK, I guess. But honestly, I can't say how happy NEWS makes me atm… I love them sfm
And Kis-My-Ft2, too. Those two groups especially, have made me just so so happy of late, idek where to begin.
NEWS's LIVE album and Dome Party 2010 dvd. Two purchases I do not regret in the slightest
Jdoramas!! Well, it was thanks to Yamanade that I found NEWS (via Tegoshi, and Uchi too I guess xD) really, so… but yeah. Dramas make me happy. Though I really need to start finishing them… BUT I JUST DON'T WANT TO LET GO /SOB
I already said dramas, but especially Troubleman!! It was so nice to have such a different drama (no high school love, no delinquint classes with a teacher hiding a secret… and *gasp* AN ACTUAL PLOT!)… and with Shige as the lead, to boot ♥
Old JE-related shows. Like Hadaka no Shounen, some of Kanjani's old shows… old Shokura eps! So much win.
I mean… all the shit in VK… hell, all the shit Moran has had to deal with this last year… it makes me so happy that such a good band just keeps on keeping on. MAX HAPPYFACE. (not kidding about the shit btw… one year = sick bassist > bassist gets better > guitarist leaving > hiatus > coming back > bassist suddenly DYING (oh Zill, bb ;A;) > new guitarist (Sizna ♥) > come back plan > drummer being involved in an accident and breaking his hand > luckily, no srs damage and he is getting better and can play again, finally. So yeah…)
Glee! ^^
god idek, maybe there's more. Most of the good things I can think of are JE/NEWS/Kisumai related… and there's only so many times I can mention them xD;;;
Idk… overall I think this year has been more SUPER BAD than SUPER GOOD……
But let's hope next year will be different. Though I said that last year and look what happened, AHAHA.
Oh yeah, resolutions…
☆ lose some flab. Yeah I know that's everyone resolution, but I don't necessarily want to lose weight, just the excess me around my stomach ¬.¬ I'm sick of looking at it and dammit I'd like to be able to buy shit that fits, AND looks nice.
…tbh I think it's mostly that at home, I eat more crap, and I don't get to walk around everywhere like I did in Wollongong - there's just nowhere to go, here. Nor would I feel particularly safe ¦D;
☆ Do more art. Ive done like nothing this year, but I want to improve, so I just need to kick my arse in gear. Even if it's just doodling crap that I'll never show anyone… practice makes perfect!
☆ Keep working on my japanese, too. Coz one day, I will go to Japan, dammit. Imma apply for JET next year (yeah, didn't this year… too disorganised), anyone with me? ;w;
☆ Just generally… try and finish stuff I start… anything from art, to books, games, dramas, …yeah. I WILL FINISH SHIT.
To everyone whose celebrations are yet to come HI FROM THE FUTURE! \8D/ have a safe one, and see you on the other side.
(Kis-my-bowling ftw, yo)
And now I'm gonna see if I can find some booze to crack open at midnight. It'd make this more bearable xD;;