Ahaha, guess I never updated again after xmas… まぁ〜
Not like much happened anyway xD
Though I'm at home alone atm… well tbh my brother is supposed to be here too but I guess he's at a gig or something idk. I haven't seen him since this morning (when he took mum + old man to the station), I guess he'd left again before I got up ¦D; But yeah, mum went to visit her sister up at Kempsey until friday so it'll just be me and Nick at home xD
Anyway… I hadn't realised at first (until I checked ameba lol), but it's the twins bday today… it's been ages since I've done a proper bday post (laziness~), but seeing as I adore those two they get one 8D
See, they actually look like twins now~ :D Hiro on the left, Yoshi on the right, btw.
I'm too wussy to send them Yoshi a bday message this year… so bday post is going to have to do… It's the thought that counts, right? …Right? ^^;
Uh… yeah I don't have much else atm xD; Just trying to find/get the Music Station Super Live clips of the artists I like (and to not cap my net too quickly, ahaha)… I could only find Kanjani's in super HD though which annoyed me coz I can't play anything higher res than my poor laptop… so I had to re-encode it smaller with ffmegx ¦D; (quality suffer a little but at least I could watch it).
And I have to say, L'Arc~en~Ciel's performance owned so hard. LARAKU I'VE MISSED YOU. Though Hyde, prz to be stopping with the midlife crises, mmk… wtf was he thinking with that hair idek. It's like a horrible throwback to the 90s IDE. And the feathers just made me laugh xD I like Tetsuya's hot pink bass though… classy, leader-sama x3
I didn't know Soshi was performing though… but for once it actually sounded almost like they sang live, which was nice :D Though I think Sooyoung is still the only one with any half decent Japanese ability… though apparently Tiffany has been studying up idk. I liked their performance, though I wish they'd done longer version of Genie and shorter version of Gee but that's just me xD;
I did manage to get NEWS performance though… it's not much but they're happy and it makes me happy to watch them being happy xD (I should get KT's performance and compare… ha) And srsly, Shige must've had his genki pills before they performed IDEK but… he's not normally that bouncy, I expect it of Massu or Koyama but… xDD;;; And I swear I'd die if I ever got as close to those boys as those people along that walkway thing, omfg. There wasn't even a rail or anything!
さぁ… anyway, now MSSL is over, bring on Kouhaku I say! More Laraku!! :D
I think Imma watch my NEWS dvd, now. If I fire up Tora (=tower), I reckon that screen is bigger than my tv anyway, idk xD;;; It's not like there's much on tv to watch anyway… this time of year is full of reruns and such crap, idek.
I love 恋のABO ヾ(〃^▽^〃)ノ~♪