Q4. Earthquake, thunder, fire, ○○. Something scary that can fill that ○○?
Yamapi: Johnny
Koyama: Tegoshi
Ryo: Fire
Shige: Spirits
Massu: Bugs (Hairy bugs! Ah, I should probably stop. This isn’t stylish of me!)
Tegoshi: Spiders
Shige's is the only sensible answer as expected!. Tego and Massu's are unsurprising (they're both scared of bugs lol), Koyama and Pi's are just… LOLWHUT, and somehow I think Ryo didn't read the question well xDD;;
God I have to go get the new Wink Up sometime soon. Want xD;
Kinda want Potato too, since it has new years messages :D I looove seeing everyone's different handwriting, LOL. And some of the messages just amuse me idk. Examples! (from scans by
shatteredtenshi btw)
Let's start with the usual.
Oh Kattun. Short and to the point xD (though idek what happened with Ueda's there… he wrote merikuri/akeome twice? And messily at that? IDK) BUT the thing I noticed most was Kame's. No, not that he took up Jin's thing of writing in english (though Kame did a better job tbh… no spelling mistakes! xD I think it was last year, Jin misspelled peace, you could see where he'd written over to correct himself LOLFAIL). Did anyone notice it?
Kame, why so precious~
Moving on.
NEWS, of course. Pity that other than Ryo & Shige, they didn't write in their colours (I haven't cropped/uploaded theirs, but Kanjani nicely wrote their messages in their own colours :D Makes it easy to tell who wrote what). Also Ryo… is a man of few words, apparently. YEAH. 3 guesses what he wrote on Kanjani's! xD And also, what he wrote last year I think… LOL Tego's handwriting is quite possibly even worse than his drawings (…and that's saying something!). Shige decided to write neatly this year (I knew he couldn't always have messy writing, being the almost perfect man that he is and all xD). Massu's pig is so cute and very Massu xD And I swear that is the first time I've ever seen Pi sign his name as "Yamapi" instead of Yamashita Tomohisa (or even 山P). Random~
FFFFFFF KEITO WHY DO YOU HAVE SUCH NEAT HANDWRITING IT'S SO NOT FAIR. Clearly we all need to go to school in england and learn to write so prettily ¦D
Um… yeah. Idk I can't really say much more about HSJ's, there's not much else LOL. But every year I get so distracted by Keito's perfect cursive writing :'D
And finally…
EbiKisu are together coz there was no way to crop ABC-Zs without eding up with half of Taipi's head at the bottom and I just couldn't do that xD; Coz yeah I didn't really have much to say about Kisumai's, actually… though I'm continually sorry for poor Nika coz he has so many kanji in his name xD;;
But yes, ABC-Z. Mostly I just wanted to say that I can only assume that Hasshi wrote the bit at the top and then forgot to sign his name, coz… I can't see his name anywhere, LOL. Bless his jailbait young heart. And Tottsu has pretty messy writing too… but it's the good kind of messy (like… carefree?) as opposed to Tego's chicken scrawl, lol.
And that's really all I wanted to share of those, none of the others had anything overly interesting (well T&T's rabbit drawings were kinda… special… but xD;). I was going to crop Uchi's out too but I cbb lol. All that was weird on his was he said this year was purple o.O (I'm assuming he meant he wrote in a purple pen this year (coz he did) but it's still… odd xDD). And Ikuta Toma has nice handwriting… his was more like calligraphy xD;
I'm actually tempted to translate some/most of them… but idk. It'd mostly be saying the same thing over and over, but still… IDK. I think I just have no life ahahaha.
…and now seeing as the new HSJ pv is out (LQ for now, but… that's something!) well… lookit:
Click to view
Sound kinda loses sync at the end but ,msdnkasbdkasvajvd.
I admit when I first heard the song (quite a while ago it feels like xD) I was like WHUT where's the cute happy HSJ but the more I hear it the more it grows on me. Addictive! Be warned xD;;; It actually kinda reminds me of Time, tbh (and Time was my fav song on their album and the Shokura performance own my life a little. Yuto's moonwalk! xD) Same kind of vibe, idk.
Of course, like almost any HSJ song/pv its very YamaChii & YabuHika centric… you barely see Inoo/Keito/Ryutarou at all, and they don't get solo lines ._. but… that's kinda the norm, so… I mean I don't particularly mind (in that I probably like Yama-chan best anyway xD) but… it's kinda sad. But maybe over time they'll get more screentime, like Koyashige in NEWS did :3
Oh yeah and I have to say, this looks like a pv that JE spent money on. And then as a NEWS fan, I feel a little gipped coz Fighting Man was basically like NEWS dancing around in the dark and then the younguns get this spiffy CGed thing (reminds me a bit of Signal LOL) and life just isn't fair D: NEWS debuted before most of JUMP even joined the jimusho for hecks sake!
But anyway.
Would also like to say Yabu looks good with dark hair :D (I've probs said it before but oh well xD)
And just in case ppl think the LQ pv was boring (I found the sound really bad but I know my laptops speakers suck balls so idk) there is a
live performance on Hey!x3 that was pretty awesome :D (and a little shorter but that's not unusual). Though I feel weird coz there's this great shot of Keito's arse in there and he's only 17 and just aklsdnajksbdhjsf. Kids should have bodies that match their ages right, maybe then I wouldn't feel like such a creeper all the time ¬.¬
…I think I've rambled enough xD;;;;;
idk, I just kinda run out of things to do at night, I guess.
Maybe I'll dedicate tomorrow to translating shit… and recording those xmas messages off jweb fffff I keep forgetting At least it might give me something to do idk xD;