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Mar 06, 2010 17:11

Ah… I totally missed Gou's birthday back on the 1st D: *sadface* well… that'll teach me for not keeping up on reading blogs lately, I guess ¦D;;;
If you don't know Gou, he is the bassist of Megamasso (メガマソ) and is this gorgeous creature:

(and I'm pretty sure, that's he's the same age as me, ufufu~)

But yeah, so a belated 誕生日おめでとう for Gou ^^

And I don't have my bday list with me (it's on my other computer, haha…) but I think today was Ryuutarou's birthday, so おめでとう to him too :3

Oh, and in all my Daizy flailing yesterday, I can't believe I forgot this!


1st&2nd FULL ALBUM 発売決定!!

DaizyStripper初となるFULL ALBUMが発売決定!!

lasjcbksdbhjsdbfjhdvgfvdhjlsajbcksjbvkhs dvkhjbsdjlhfs
OMFG ABOUT TIME *flails madly*

And yes… "1st & 2nd" all at once xD (or "1nd & 2nd" if you're Nao xD;; he did correct himself in his next entry though, and lamented the fact he fails xD;; *pats* oh Naobe… too cute) But yeah… it's gonna be 2 discs I believe, so YAY. I can't wait to hear more about it~~ 8D

God I love DaizyStripper sfm <3

…but I also hate them because now they put their PVs on a site to buy and download (which is nice, BUT) however you can't sign up for it from outside Japan. And yes… I tried D: I still want the full version of 色彩ヴィヴィッド…… ;3; But yeah. So I don't know if anyone is ever going to see more of their PVs than the little 30sec previews on the OHP. Same for Frantic EMIRY… though their preview was at least a little longer (and on youtube xD)
It's just frustrating… I would actually buy them, if I was at all able to ._. and same for joining their fanclub KISS, too… not that I could afford it atm anyway ;3;

Ah… just another reason to go to Japan, I guess ;o;

And also… when Kiwamu says "soon I can announce good news about Luzmelt!!!" and Tainted Reality says "We are about to announce something BIG guys, and yes, it has to do with a band making their US concert debut!", it's probably fair enough to put 2 and 2 together and more than likely get 5, right? xD;;;
Ah… I'd love to see Luzmelt. Seriously… Blind Scope is a freaking awesome song <3
If you don't know Luzmelt, go to their OHP (PC version, obviously) and click "special" to listen to previews of their songs (and that PV preview too, for which no one knows which song it is yet xD;;;) Yuhma has an awesome (and at times quite deep ♥) voice :D
まぁ… I want to buy their 2nd mini album too, but… money ;A; *sigh*

Also, already someone has scanned the KAT-TUN calendar… and the NEWS one too <33333 イエイ!!
Though now I realise it was only Tego that crossdressed in the NEWS one… which is sad in one way (srsly I think I'd pay to see Yamampi in a frock LOL) but on the other hand… I think Tego is the only one who is particularly convincing as a girl xD but… he really does seem to crossdress a lot… I mean…

(screenshot of a youtube clip of the Johnnys' calendar previews, but still) LOOK AT HIM. Yes… same person in both xD (srsly, that show was making such a fuss over Tego, hardly anything/one else got mentioned lol)
It's even more suss that it was (seemingly) Tego's idea xD;;;;; I think all the NEWS guys got to choose the themes for their solo pics (Yamapi's was something about a hotel, LOL. Idk, can't remember now but someone translated the articles in a magazine about it all xD)

Oh Jpop… why so fabulously gheii xD;;

I really need some new icons…… But I don't have photoshop on my laptop (yet) so… yeah. I can't remember how to do shit in GIMP anymore xD;;;; *fail*
Plus my paid account runs out soon… boo ¬.¬


birthdays, darkest labyrinth / blood, jrock / vkei, daizystripper, news, omg

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