(no subject)

Nov 19, 2009 22:32

ARGH I don't know what to draw for Vega D:
It's the same as always, as soon as I get a blank piece of paper in front of me… NOTHING. And it annoys me coz I want to draw, it's just not happening WTF.

Oh well, I'll still send them fanmail after this, I guess. Well… maybe not to KANA, he scares me a little ¦D;;;;; but the others, sure.

Oh yeah, Shou returned my ペタ 8D …Vega!Shou, that is… not a9!Shou xDD;;;;;;;;;;; Not that lucky, LOL. Not that I ever leave dear Shou-kun peta, he's probably drowning in it anyway.
I've got more peta returned in the last week or so, than pretty much all year, bahaha. But it's still pretty much nothing :'D

I did go to Sydney today, and it was kinda hot (air con, woo… though I nearly got hypothermia on the train, thank you cutyrail ONLY NOT) and my feet hurt… but it was pretty good. I spent way too much money on magazines again…… JESS WHY DID YOU HAVE TO MAKE ME THINK OF JIN AGAIN OMFG. I bougth a magazine just coz he was on the cover. Lots of nice pics in it, though x3;;; Also got the latest Arena37c, Fool's Mate & Neo Gen… just because. Okay… Gackt, LM.C & Alice Nine on the covers, respectively xD;;;;;;;

Also, starbucks have their xmas drink already omg. jesus, I'm as bad as Nao LOL Dark Cherry Mocha Frappacino lasdnkasfldgndjkfvg SO GOOD.

Oh, and I walked up Chinatown to check that dodgy shop at the top for jdoramas/movies, but nothing interesting. They did have Aquarian Age but I couldn't work out if it had subtitles or not xD;; They also have a lot of jrock/jpop cds & dvds… I think some are bootleg, but the cds at least are legit… sort of. they're supposed to be sold in Hong Kong/Taiwan etc xD;;; But I don't normally buy them, so I don't care ¦D;; But, they had Jealousy by X Japan and omfg, if you haven't seen the cover for that… well yeah xD;;; Actually, probably better not to look it up, it's a little dodgy LOL. But on the back cover, Pata looks like a freaking woman salkdnjksbjabsdf *brain broke*. PATA. LOOKS PRETTY. I know it's like from 20-odd years ago but GOD. So not right xD;;;;

Anyway, outside that shop some old chinese guy gave me a flyer for his nearby souvenir shop… not interesting, I know… but I always find it funny when asian people ask me if I know what the character on my pendant means xD;; It's 虎, btw. They always seem so surpised when Isay "tiger", like I shouldn't know or something bahaha. Anyway he's like "oh, you like tigers?" and I'm just like "…yeah. I like tigers." I'll be damned if I try and explain why I have a tora pendant to a complete stranger… it's a bit of a long story ¦D;;;;
idk, it was kinda funny xD

I didn't have much luck on the ufo catchers though… but I didn't spend so much money on them for once coz there wasn't really anything good this time xD; But I got another mini condom (jesus, wtf is wrong with japan. Condom plushies xDDD), a little Rilakkuma (with pink scarf and beanie xD), and a little red octopus… WHICH VIABRATES. I LOL'D. A LOT. Guess what I'm gonna make for it over the hols… I'll just say, I'm gonna name it Chenchen LMFAO.

And I came close to getting a big Rilakkuma from in Capitol, but right when i figured out how I might be able to get it (after spending a fair bit trying xD) I ran out of coins, and had to catch my train anyway… BUT. Right at that point, this due WHO LOOKED LIKE FREAKING MIYAVI (…I swear, it has to have been that same guy we saw at like, Ichiban Boshi that one time. HAS TO BE.) asked me for 20¢, so that he had enough money for another go on the one he was trying for, LMFAO. and yes, I gave him the 20¢ xDD *good samaritan*

Totally the highlight of my day. My brain was dying from not bursting out laughing. HE LOOKED LIKE OLD SCHOOL MYV SRSLY OMFG. Tall, thin, long black hair, beanie, lip piercing………… holy shit man.

Anyway, I'd better go do those fan letters, picture or not. The event is probably over by now… so Vega is no more ;A;


PS: Mum said Nick is free tomorrow, so I guess me and my computer are going home, and we'll come get the fridge and stuff on sunday…
……god I HATE packing ¬.¬;;;;;;;;

Plus I kinda don't want to be stuck at home with no alternative for 4 months ¦D;;; If your parents ever go senile (…and I really mean, SENILE), you'll understand ^^; I don't know how Nick stays there, lol. he has even less patience than me xD;;

Anyway. Letters~ and more ペタ giving ^^

ETA: JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, THE RED TAKO-SAN FROM THE UFO CATCHER GIGGLES AS WELL AS VIABRATES o.O I guess I didn't pull his rip cord far enough before, omfg. I nearly dropped the fucking thing when it exclaimed (pretty loudly, in my quiet room) "*kissing noise* I LOVE YOU *retarded GIGGLE*" xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
…oh yeah, this thing is definitely going to become a Chenchen. TOTALLY.

Jesus, and I thought my weird nohohon thing (which is the centrepiece of my Jasmine shrine, now xD) that sings "twinkle twinkle little star" was weird XD OH JAPAN.

ufo catchers are addictive, nexx / vega, woo moar ペタ 8D, miyavi, moving, lmao, sydney, wtf

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