Aaah, Micchan posted another blog *flails* Something about returning ペタ lol. So... I left him ペタ ¦D;;; He's probably drowning in it right now..... and fanmail..... it all gets deleted tomorrow though TT^TTshoge
Micchan, make another blog, please?? ;A;
...on a lighter note.... Sydney was awesome :D though, I bought waaaay too many magazines, lmao. So much for "just want the new Cure", pfft. I fail xDD But, I did get the Cure, and HOLY SHIT DAIZY-CHAN <333333
I SHALL BE SCANNING THAT FOR SURE. They're so adorkable :D
But yeah, other than that... I finally found volume 4 of Vampire Knight manga (now I can resume collecting, I hated having a gap in my order...), also got the new Shoxx (not bad... it came with a free cd with Ayabie's new song? not that I like Ayabie, but... free stuff w00t xD), Kera (always lulz... Takeru was in it again ¦D;;; And Miku and Ryuutarou, as usual) and the book I was after that
SiSeN had mentioned, which is this:
It's pretty darn awesome, there's an interview with SiSeN in the intro (hence why he was talking about it) and it's full of pretty artwork and how they were done and stuff, and best of all it's in english :D The only downside was the price... while on Amazon it's
US$16.49, kinokuniya charged AU$46.98 ¬.¬;;;; not cool... but Kino do have a habit of charging a lot more than they should (eg... Cure mag is ¥860... I payed AU$29.83 ¬.¬;;; Given, the price of mags did rise heaps when the exchange rate dropped... but still) But, I think the book was worth it, I'm glad I found it ^^
Oh, and hi to
narcolepticnemu who
Jinnizzle and I met up with today :D After Kino we went to Ichiban Boshi (一番星) for lunch, I got Tokyo Ramen (東京ラメン) and holy crap it was so amazing *___*
...and yeah I did a Nao and starting eating before I took a pic, lol ¦D:;;;
And again, I couldn't finish my ramen... this one was in a bigger bowl than the stuff from Naruto was, I swear o.O;; but sooooooo good ♥
And we went to Paddy's Markets coz Jess needed some aussie souvenirs to take to Japan as omiyage. And there are so many dodgy lingerie places in there.... we were saying that Sakito should dress up in that stuff coz he's totally a skank 8D;;;;
Oh the possibilities~~ 8D;;
There was also some pantsu like Yomi's in that clip with Hitsu... you know the one... Yomi's in a schoolgirl outfit, and... "pyuu pyuu~ 8D" xDDDDDDD but Amna has the pic of that, bahaha.
And when we went to Morning Glory, which is this awesome shop that has all kinds of gheii asian knick knacks, we saw this... thing o.O
And Jess won a giant red tako-san (now named Chenchen, bahaha....) from the UFO catchers in Capital Square xD Amna got a red ninja!tofu (now named Satty.... are you sensing a pattern? xDD) and all I got was a couple of phone hangers.... two in one go, though ;3 a stupid chicken thing and a chocolate paddlepop. Chyeah ¦D;;;
And speaking of plushies (from UFO catchers), since I was talking about mine a bit today, I took a photo to show just what's living on my bed atm xD;; (mobile phone quality... sorry, felt lazy and since I was getting pics off my phone anyway... ^^;)
....Hedwig's not from a ufo catcher, obviously ^^; neither's Mokona, I bought him... but all the others I've won 8D;;;
...those things are damn addictive ¦D;;;
I've also got a ton of phone hangers that I've also got from ufo catchers...
The black bunny thing at the from is called Aguro-chan :D he did have a bell on his neck, but it fell off over summer when I had him on my bag D: sadness... but yeah, there's Naruto, another とうふ, a 歯ちゃん, a weird hello kitty fish thing, panda, pooh, weird goat thing (?), mascot character I can't think the name of atm (but Eiji did a video with it once! And Nao has heaps of stuff of it...) and an assortment of hair ties (2 aokubi daikons, a stitch head, and a head of Lilo's doll that I can't think the name of (scrump? idk, SiSeN has a backpack of it though xD))
Yeah... there's a couple more but they're hanging somewhere else (um... a frog thing and a hello kitty in a kimono, I think)
...I have too much time (and money, apparently ¦D:;) on my hands, I know. It really is addictive though ¬.¬
mmm.... that's plenty of picspam for today, right? I don't think I really had much else to say... oh wait, yeah. I keep forgetting about this, but a few days ago I had a dream involving Tokio Hotel o_O;;; wtf random I know. They spoke perfect english too, lmao (I'm sure that's totally not the case irl, haha). I think I was talking to Tom.... really weird, since I don't really like him so much (Bill and Georg, plz :D though... I don't like Bill's new hair ¬.¬) But yeah... I dunno wtf it came from, but when I woke up I was like "whut o.O" xD;;;;
I have issues, lol.
Anyway, I'm amazingly tired so... I think I'll go join my legion of plushies in bed 8D;;; Scanning can wait until tomorrow... no one's going to mind ¦D;