This post is gonna be full of random news and stuff, so feel free to skip, maybe xD;;;
mmmkay~ Firstly... hey
jinnizzle, you know the ramen we ate on tuesday, and we were wondering what that swirly thing was? Well, it was
Kamaboko. From Wiki:
Kamaboko (蒲鉾) is a variety of Japanese processed seafood products, made from
surimi, in which various white fish are pureed, formed into distinctive loaves, and then steamed until fully cooked and firm in texture. The steamed loaves are then sliced and served unheated (or chilled) with various dipping sauces or sliced and included in various hot soups, one-dish meals, or noodle dishes. Kamaboko is typically sold in semicylindrical, Quonset hut-shaped loaves. Some kamaboko are made so that a slice looks like an object. The most common pattern is a simple spiral - sometimes referred to as "naruto" in reference to a well known tidal whirlpool near the Japanese city of
So yeah... it's made from fish (which was what I suspected, it's like that fake crabmeat stuff :D lol)
Of course, it's still not lost on me that we got ramen from a place called Naruto, too... but in the case of that swirly stuff, it's all about a whirlpool xDD
And since I was wiki-ing....
Final Fantasy Vll Advent Children Complete
At the Tokyo Game Show 2006, Square Enix showed a trailer of a director's cut of the film, titled Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete for release on the Blu-ray Disc format. New scenes will be added to the film. The film will also benefit from high-definition video and audio that the Blu-ray format offers. It will also come with a playable demo of Final Fantasy XIII. The cut had formerly been expected to be released in mid 2007, but Square Enix announced at the Tokyo Game Show 2007 that they would postpone the product until 2008.
At the 2008 Square Enix DKΣ3713 Party, it was announced that Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete would be released in March 2009 in Japan, but it was delayed soon after and was released on April 16, 2009. A separate bundle will be sold that includes a demo of Final Fantasy XIII. Both editions will include the first HD trailers of Final Fantasy Versus XIII and Final Fantasy Agito XIII. It has also been reported that the film will feature a 20-minute long extra movie on the disc which is an anime version of the "Case of Denzel" chapter featured in the On the Way to a Smile novella. Advent Children Complete will be released in North America on June 2 2009 and on June 10 in Europe.
So yeah... it wasn't anything overly amazing, ne... just a re-release on blu-ray, pretty much ¬.¬ there's some other info about it on too. Though this post... disturbs me a little o.O
"Safe and Sound" --ACC Theme Song Announced
The theme song for Advent Children complete will see Japanese vocalist Kyosuke Himuro (--performer of Calling, the theme used for Advent Children) team up with Gerard Way from the band My Chemical Romance. The two will perform a song "Safe and Sound" written especially for the movie. The song will also be available to download from iTunes on Mar 29.
...LOLWHUT o___O;;;
まぁ、anyway... xD;;; Yeah, that's what the Complete thing was, nee Shou-kun~ ^^
And while I'm talking about random things, someone posted a report on SuG's last live with Micchan... you can
read it here... nawww TT^TT Poor Keru-kun, sounds like he took it the hardest ;A; Well, I guess he is the youngest, but... naww~ <333
And also, that same person had a report of Gazette's
7th anniversary live, too :D Jesus christ, that band has issues.... mostly lol @ Ruki and Aoi, bahaha. Idiots ¦D;;;
ruki: who's tired--!!
a lot of people: haaa---iiii *raise hands*
aoi: *raises hand*
ruki: .......anyway *keeps talking*
*gigglesnort* xDDD;;; of course old man was tired, lulz *shot*
mmm.... oh yeah... in all the fuss last wednesday with it being Ken's birthday... I forgot it was Ryuichi's too ¦D;;; *epic fail* So~
A belated happy 39th (?) birthday Ryuichi~!! For anyone who doesn't know (if there is anyone, FOR SHAME) Ryuichi is/was the vocalist of Luna Sea 8D;; Plus he has a pretty decent solo career (his stuff is more like what your mothers would listen to though, maybe xD;; But, I still like it.... *is lame*) and is also in Tourbillion with... Inoran, I think ^^;
I wanted to put a picture (I think Ryuichi is pretty handsome, ne? Well, apart from LS's early days, lol... ah, early VK = lulz xD) but 99% of my Luna Sea pictures are Sugizo, haha. And I haven't found a decent one of Ryuichi yet ¦D;;; So... I'll edit with one later ¬.¬;; it's not the best, but hey, it's a picture xD;;;
まぁぁ… enough random for now, ne? xD;;;
Well, except the football (afl) is on the tv behind me, and I heard the commentators say, at the start of the game sometime, "everyone likes to have a touch to settle the nerves" ...ROFL. I think they just meant everyone was passing the ball around, idk (wasn't watching, only heard that and went "wtfLOL" xDD) but.... yeah. Lmao.