Yeah... having issues with this...

Apr 07, 2009 09:16

Don't ask.... It is personal! Just something that I should not assume that everyone is capable of and a lesson to be learned!

TRUST: on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
2.confident expectation of something; hope.
3.a person on whom or thing on which one relies: God is my trust.
4.the condition of one to whom something has been entrusted.
5.the obligation or responsibility imposed on a person in whom confidence or authority is placed: a position of trust.
6.Archaic. reliability. rely upon or place confidence in someone or something (usually fol. by in or to): to trust in anther's honesty; trusting to luck. have confidence; hope: Things work out if one only trusts. have trust or confidence in; rely or depend on. believe. expect confidently; hope commit or consign with trust or confidence. permit to remain or go somewhere or to do something without fear of consequences: He does not trust his children out of his sight.

1. certainty, belief, faith. Trust, assurance, confidence imply a feeling of security. Trust implies instinctive unquestioning belief in and reliance upon something: to have trust in one's parents. Confidence implies conscious trust because of good reasons, definite evidence, or past experience: to have confidence in the outcome of events. Assurance implies absolute confidence and certainty: to feel an assurance of victory. 8. commitment, commission. 17. credit. 19. entrust.


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