Mood |
| Listening to Hopeleslly Devoted To You - Grease |
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I am stopping going to FRCI, I dread going in there, it's just Maths, I hate it and some bits I get so confused and fustrated, I don't really need it that much for what I want to do - Acting, Writing, Singing.
I did enjoy College yesterday, we read through the book we're studying on - John Steinback's Of Mice And Men and I love it, it seemed boring but as soon as I read it I have loved it and next week we're watching the video of it, we have to get our coursework of it in by four weeks, OMG how it is to study again argh.
I am back into Doctor Who again and I hot the dvd with the season finale since it's my favourite episode, I would watch it again and again and still cry at the ending. I love The Daleks! They are the best villian ever!
Lately I haven't let guy's into my life since how my ex hurt me, but I want to. I just want a guy who will take me as I am and treat me nice for once, someone who won't cheat or use me.