Mar 03, 2015 13:32
My friends, I have decided to do a reading challenge this year. I read a few accounts of people who chose to eschew reading books by straight white dudes for one year and how it affected their outlook. I already read many books by women and GLBT writers. I think the area where I really fall down is writers of color. I'd like to change that, starting this year.
I'm not at this moment going to commit to only reading books by authors of color. I've never been a fan of the kind of diet where you tell yourself you can't do something! But I am committing myself to reading more books by authors of color. I plan to read at least 50, which should comprise about half of my "reading budget" for the year (bearing in mind it's already March, so that's five books by POC per month). I will keep track of these books and I will report back at the end of the year on my project. Telling you publicly makes me more accountable. :)
I've done a little Internet research, but I'd love to hear from you.
What are your favorite books by people of color? What authors should I absolutely not miss?
I read a great deal of genre fiction (sci fi, fantasy, romance, mystery). I enjoy graphic novels, whether memoir, fiction, or superhero related. I also read some regular novels and nonfiction (especially essays and micro-histories).
Throw some suggestions my way!