Title: Forty-nine Seconds
Summary: Someone finally figured it out...how her blank eyes worked.
Rating: T (for profanity)
Notes: A Pre-TYL fic for Cleis.
Disclaimer: I own all the characters mentioned except Sarah Marquez, who belongs to mizumi88.
Warning: A very long fic. Originally 19 pages when opened in MS Word, Tahoma size 10.
The fic is too
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I particularly liked how you wrote this in separated points of view, in first person. I personally rarely write in first person as I find it unusual and slightly awkward while writing it. Aside from that, I rarely find fics in first person POV that are written as well as yours :)
I found your characters very interesting. And the development of the story was just wonderful, seriously. On the technical side of things, I only saw very few errors! Great work on that for someone who hasn't written anything seriously in a long time :D
So this was what you were talking about in the RP. Nice, now I get it better. Apparently, our characters are birds of the same feather in more ways than one XD
...I really shouldn't be listening to Avenue Q musical songs when reading and reviewing. It's not conductive to making my brain work so I apologize if this is too short or blah. The musical's not exactly...wholesome. I'm really sorry ._.
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