
Sep 18, 2016 13:58

I feel like documenting this here, complete with halfassed recipe.  Because I made it up, its weird, and might taste good (or not), and I just feel like writing a recipe, and calculating basic cost.

So I got half a pint of blueberries from the food bank this week, and eggs, and milk, and thought, hmmm, what could I do with them?  I know!  I'll get some breakfast sausages from the Dollar Store (or Tree, I forget), the kind that are more like sticks of ham, because that kind of pork goes good with fruit, and I will make a quiche.  And combined with the frozen crust and cheese I already had, voila!

Blueberry Sausage Quiche

1 frozen 9" crust ($1.99 for pack of 2; Grocery Outlet)
1 half-pint fresh local blueberries (keep the less ripe ones when you sort - adds extra dimension to the flavor because they taste like apple) ($0, food bank)
1 t salt (Real Salt - I forget how much it cost because I bought the bag years ago)
1 t organic pepper (about $2 for 3 T bulk, pre-ground fancy mix; Terra Organica)
1/2 t organic garlic powder (about $3 for 1/4th c bulk; co-op)
1 large pinch cloves (Spice Islands jar I've had for years, so I dunno)
1 large pinch nutmeg (small Durkee jar I've had for years, so ?)
6 John Morell smoked breakfast sausages ($1, Dollar Store), diced
1/2 to 3/4ths c fresh local organic milk ($0, food bank)
5 eggs ($0, food bank)
1 to 1 1/2 c local organic raw white cheddar ($13 for a 2 lb block, co-op; doesn't trigger allergy response)

1) Preheat oven to 375; set frozen crust out to thaw (takes about 10-15 minutes depending on room temp; you can also prebake it according to package directions if you want).
2) Grate cheese into large bowl.
3) Add spices to cheese.
4) Break eggs into small bowl, wisk together with fork.
5) Pour eggs and milk over the cheese and mix with fork until completely integrated; set aside.
6) Spread diced sausage evenly across the bottom of the thawed crust.
7) Place blueberries on top of the sausage.
8) Carefully pour egg mixture over the blueberries, taking care not to stir up the sausage too much.
9) Bake on 375 for 15 minutes, then lower to 350 for 30 minutes.
10) Done when browned on top and knife inserted into middle comes out clean.
11) Allow to cool before cutting.

Serves 8.

And its...
Actually pretty good! :D

Cost for this quiche:  About $1 for the crust, 20 cents for the spices (give or take), $1 for the sausage, $1.50 for the cheese, and the rest was free.  So the whole pie cost about $4.20.  Of course it would have cost a whole lot more if I'd bought all the ingredients, particularly the blueberries.


P.S. - the gc's are now tasked with reminding me, LOUDLY, that next time I want to try a pastry experiment, that fillo dough is one of the WORST things to use when you have limited counter space!!!  And even if you HAVE lots of counter space!!

fun, home, creative, herbal, recipes, cooking, food, recipe, herbs, organic

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