apache tears.
The legend....
"One day a party of Apache Indians was ambushed by an enemy tribe. The Apaches fought bravely but were greatly outnumbered and were driven to the top of a very high mountain. Their arrows were gone, and they could fight no longer. Refusing to be taken captive, they leaped, as one, from the cliffs to the rocks below.
"The Apache women, grief-stricken over the death of their brave warriors, shed torrents of tears. The tears became petrified and turned to stone."
-Jean Bartenbach, Rockhound Trails, Atheneum, 1977, p. 55.
I carry & wear & work with many stones/crystals every day. One of my very favorites is the Apache Tears. The legend is a reminder of courage and strength, loyalty and devotion. It is a type of Obsidian, native to Mexico and the United States. Blackish-Brown and semi transparent when held up the light.
An excellent stone to use for grounding but most importantly for protection. Protection from negative energies, as they can raise ones psychic attunement to allow you to "feel" danger, negative energy, people, and situations. They also help to heal emotional wounds in ones own self, acting as a vacuum and helping to release blockages or "baggage".
Like I mentioned, it is one of my all time favs, of course different stones are for different people. If you find Apache tears, pick one that calls to you, hold it in your hand, and feel it, see how it makes you feel. If it is meant, it will be yours and you to it. Cleanse it of all energy, set your intentions and allow it into your heart. Carry it with you (they are wonderful to carry in pockets because of their round smooth shapes) always and remember the legend or the brave warriors.