Aug 30, 2005 22:24
My aunt is okay, or should be, for the most part. She'll be in the hospital a couple more days, probably.
This will sound strange, but it kind of bugs me to see people talking about the hurricane, people that don't have anything to do with it. I don't really mean the media (though they bug me too, most of the time) or the charities, but mostly people on forums. They aren't even saying anything bad or offensive, but it just BOTHERS me, for no real reason. The best I can come up with is that these places that were destroyed are places I grew up around and spent A LOT of time in, and now they're just...gone. I'm thankful I wasn't living there still, but at the same time I feel guilty. *sigh* Yes, a weird mixture of feelings, indeed.
Still haven't been able to get in touch with the rest of the family in Mississippi.
Since the gas prices are predicted to go even higher more quickly due to the hurricane damage, we filled up our tanks today. I saw one station go from 2.53 this morning to 2.59 by the afternoon. I filled up at the cheapest station in town at $2.44. All the pumps there had lines of at least four cars waiting for gas. Yeah, I waited, I was in no hurry.
Now I eat cookies and drink good stuff. Good night.