Title: Poseidon’s Fury
Author: SilverPhoenixWings
Fandom: Harry Potter
Summary: Poseidon's Fury tells the story of the intrigue of Slytherin society- politics, gossip, and mystery. Fifteen years before The Boy Who Lived vanquished it, darkness was brewing. Slytherin was buzzing with possibilities and alliances. Somewhere in the chaos was Elliana Stormborne, an orphan with a dark past, a dark secret, and an even darker future. Can the promise of a new life break the walls around Elliana's heart, or will Lucius Malfoy use her as a tool for destruction?
“If you want your privacy,” He started. “You should not wander around in the dead of night. It draws attention.” He was surprised as she laughed. She looked at him with unspoken amusement.
“Fighting with me will get you everywhere, if you win.” She said icily. He watched her, and seemed to pick apart her life in the few words they had exchanged. His eyes told her that he knew everything. It was an odd sensation, realizing that someone could read her like that. She hated the feeling that someone could know something and she would have no control over it.
“You are powerful. I see it in your eyes. You have some secret that even I cannot know. I see the power, and I see your will to conceal it. I am powerful too, witch. Just imagine the things we could accomplish together. Just imagine.”
Spoilers: Books 1-5, FB&WTFT, QttA
Rating: PG-13 (K+)
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the HP names, places, and events. However, I do own all original characters, settings, and spells. If you aren’t sure, ask!
here! -Dani