OK here's some of my favorite dialog, straight from the book.
"We went on.
'Here's a taxidermist's,' Bill said. 'Want to buy anything? Nice stuffed dog?'
'Come on,' I said. 'You're pie-eyed.'
'Pretty nice stuffed dogs.'"
And here's my favorite comment on a blog post
"That said, I hope that over time we as a culture can move towards expressing "who we are" in much more meaningful ways. I'm really uncomfortable with how often expressing individuality comes down to what products we buy and use. Clothes are a commodity, after all, and the longer we self-identify with the trappings of consumerism, the longer we keep ourselves disempowered to express who we really are. If I had no music to like, no clothes to wear, no computer platform to prefer, who would I be? I think that's an important question, and one that is hardly ever asked."
Tell it.
"Terminator X quit the hip-hop scene in 2003 and has been running an
ostrich farm in South Carolina."
I hope this is true.