Bad kickass, state-of-the-art cell phone that was the envy of all grew wings and disappeared.
Good news...Pack rat that I am, I still had the phone from before I upgraded to the doubleplus supercool phone, and Cingular was more than happy to transfer my account to it. So I still have a phone, as well as the same phone number, and if I ever find my beyond-all-previously-attained-levels of-coolness phone, I can switch the SIM card right back to it at no additional charge.
Bad news...With my defying-all-descriptions-that-adjectives-can-provide phone went my SIM card, which means I now have no one's phone number handy. And yes, I am one of those people who relies exclusively on electronic record retrieval, so I don't have anyone's number written down anywhere.
Bottom line...if you would like me to have your phone number or any means of getting in touch with you whatsoever, I'm going to need you to send it to me, either via
e-mail or through a reply to this post.
Thanks much!