Jun 13, 2007 13:17
May 25th
I have thuroughly enjoyed my time here in Germany. It's interesting, the differences between Spain and here. It feels occasionally like two extremes, Germany which is so orderly, well directed and on time and Spain which is, well, Spain. It'd be nice to find a happy medium. Somewhere where the public transport is fantastic but where no one gives a shit if you go home and sleep four hours in the middle of the day.
I'm missing Spain. I don't feel it so much when I'm awake. The sensation sneaks up on me in my dreams. Last night I dreampt with leaving Spain forever and woke up crying. I didn't feel that way when I left home or thinking about leaving Spain, and I still don't feel it durring the day. I think that when the day comes in a few weeks when I have to say goodbye for good, it will be very difficult. I will miss Sabine so much.... and my host family, and all of my friends there. I wlll miss Spain. I will miss the gitano markets and the cheap fruit stores and the delicious ocean. I am very glad that I chose to return before leaving Spain forever and before I went traveling, because this way I can post-pone these psycological mishaps until I'm going to be going HOME.
HOME. I can't even imagine being HOME. The truth is that my HOME, where I spent the majority of my childhood doesn't exist anymore. Instead, I have my parents house, and I have the house in Iowa City, both of which will become home for different reasons soon, I'm sure. I'm really satisfied that my family moved when I graduated and left. It cut my life completely in two, my childhood and the rest of my life.
Also, I'm nearly 18. By that I mean that I'll be 18 in... 3.5 months. I will finally be able to control my own destiny, although my parents are more than willing to help me in whatever, this way I'll be able to do it without them having to sign a million permission slips. And I can do the classic 18 things... although most of them I've done. Including what you can't do when you're 18 in the U.S. i.e. buy alcohol. But I'll hopefully get my licence and definitly register to be voting.
I am sitting on Cable's bed. It's cold and rainy. Cara got here last night and Caleb is not here right now and left us without food so we went on a long, exausthing, fridget quest to find food. Unfortunatly, since it's the first day of the Pentecost (look it up) the only food places open were McDonalds and Burger King, both of which were about 5 miles way the hell thataway. So I ate fat foot for the first time in a WHILE. Goooo KUSAK.
Tomorrow comes Mark to Dublin and I go to meet him. The poor boy has to wait 12 hours between when his flight gets in and when mine arrives. That'll be fun... I'm extatic. After over nine months I don't know if I can make it another 24 hours...
So I go now. Siesta timen.