I have now watched the NEWS Pacific Tour DVD twice. TWICE. Lord help us all if I get sucked into the Johnny's vortex, sparkly and ghei as it is. That DBSK comeback needs to come sooner or else I might just leave the fandom because it's become so boring. COME BACK TO ME BOYS YOU ARE COMFORTING AND I NEED YOU. *dies of fail*
I have this urge to write something again but everything I think of sounds terribly boring. Or maybe I'm just avoiding thesis research. The latter's probably true but I prefer to use the former as my official excuse.
Someone on
jpop_uploads asked about DDR music. My boyfriend happens to have a fair amount of it and when I pointed out that he didn't actually have ALL the DDR music in existence he actually got defensive with me. I love the boy to death but idek what's going on here. Also I think I might do a massive DDR upload because no one else seems to upload it anymore.
YZDX girls, that reminds me - I'm not going to uploading much over the next week or two because my wireless network is giving me some serious problems and it keeps freezing. So until the boy and I (and by that I mean the boy) manages to fix this somehow, I'm going to refrain from uploading too much because it seems to kill everything. I still think it has something to do with the weird power shortages we've been getting but who knows, maybe it's just me being stupid after all. (EDIT: Eryn, I desperately need a copy of NEWS's "Snow Express". I cannot keep watching bits of the DVD to get my fix, it's slowing down my comp like you wouldn't believe.)
I really need to go to bed but I'm not tired at all. Body, why must you conspire against me so.