Tagged by:
soloscry ♥ People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
♥ Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.
Tagging: Whoever feels like doing this, feel free - I'm just doing it because Yvonne tagged me :D FB bunnies, you girls wanna give it a try?
o1◢ How has LJ changed your life?
I spend way too much time here XDD I also RP on an LJ game so I'm always floating around here (nothing Asian entertainment related, sorry - I can't RP real people. It just feels too weird to me to imitate someone who's actually alive.) Otherwise, I've made a lot of great friends on LJ that aren't RP-related, which is a first for me, and I feel like I've adopted a million dongsaengs since all of you seem to be younger than me, with a few exceptions.
o2◢ What do you do before bedtime?
I brush my teeth and such. I tend to shower before bed but usually I shower whenever I feel like I need one so I have taken showers at just about any hour of the day/night before. Otherwise I read until I fall asleep. Good lord I sound like an old lady.
o3◢ What are you going to have for dinner tonight?
I have no idea - I let my boyfriend do all the cooking so whatever he feels like making is what I'll be eating. XD
o4◢ What is the city of your dreams and why?
Currently I'd say either London or Paris - I've been to both cities and I just love walking around both of them because there is so much to see/do. Plus, they both have fantastic museums and I ADORE museums. I would honestly love to just live in one, as illegal and impossible as that is.
o5◢ Are you an introvert or extrovert?
I don't think introversion/extroversion is an either-or thing; to me it's more of a scale and I'd say I fall somewhere in the middle. I used to be really introverted as a kid but I've gotten a lot better now about putting myself out there. That being said, I still hate approaching strangers because I never quite know what to say and I don't think that will ever change.
o6◢ Name something you wish you could do in your free time, but don't actually do.
Something athletic, I suppose? I am so totally un-sporty it's not even funny. Otherwise, I wish I knew Photoshop/html/coding in general. I do mean to learn, I just never have enough time, it seems.
o7◢ Do you trust easily?
A little bit, yeah. I have a tendency to assume that people mean well but I'm not naive enough to take the word of any passing stranger and I'm a big believer in fact-checking. However, if you're someone that I already trust (example: boyfriend) it's very easy to pull tricks on me because I don't expect people I already trust to trick me.
o8◢ What personal belonging do you have with you everywhere you go?
Other than the obvious (keys/wallet/phone) I usually have my iPod with me and if I remember to throw one in my bag, a book.
o9◢ What's the color of your bedroom?
Yellow! Best color ever.
1o◢ What is your best quality?
I honestly can't answer that - I hate complimenting myself so you'd really have to ask other people what my best qualities are. (If you do feel like you want to tell me what my best quality is, leave it in a comment please? I'd like to know what you guys think of me :D)
11◢ Do you plan on changing questions in this meme, or are you too lazy for that?
Eh, I don't change questions in memes. What's the point of asking other people to do the same meme if the meme is going to change each time?
12◢ How do you see yourself?
I wouldn't call myself normal but I waver between mature/responsible/forward-looking and spastic/fangirly/bouncy constantly.
13◢ Who are currently the most important people to you?
Family/boyfriend and friends (including online ones) - basically the people I talk to the most.
14◢ What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
Yvonne is really sweet and a great writer. She's one of th first writers I started following when I got into DBSK fics and she's one of the few DBSK writers that I still read consistently. I love her enthusiasm about writing and her friendliness towards everyone, and I love writing RR's with her XD
15◢ Would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?
Given that I already have a serious boyfriend (see, this is where I feel so much older than the rest of you) I would say married but poor because I'm pretty sure that's how my future is going to be anyways XDDDD Single and rich isn't bad but I think I would get lonely.
16◢ How many children do you want to have, if any?
2 or 3, I think, because I don't think I have it in me to really do a good job raising more kids than that and I firmly believe that if I have children I want to do my best for them.
17◢ What's better to give or to receive?
I love giving presents and such, but who doesn't like getting things? Isn't that why we all love free samples? :P
18◢ If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
I would convince them that they love each other too and we would live in a weird but happy 3 person household.
19◢ Would you have 100% safe sex with a stranger for $10,000,000?
Only if I'm really attracted to him to begin with, which means he has to be good-looking and smart to boot. $10 million isn't enough to get me to sleep with an ugly old man, kthx. I have standards.
2o◢ What were your parents going to name you if you'd been born the opposite gender?
I have no idea - I know my parents originally came up with several Chinese names for me when my mom was still pregnant with me and I only got an English name 3 years later as an afterthought when I got to the US and my parents realized that no American could ever pronounce "Xifei". I have never really shared my actual English name online for security reasons so if you know it, don't tell. I happen to like going by Kittie.