Jul 12, 2005 15:58
its really hot and im really bored.. last night i wanted to go wandering around with nicky danny and ben but i was was my hick friend, tiana, and shes very judgemental so she basically hates all of my friends and refused to come with us.. so i couldn't go, but whatever i got a full nights sleep so im happy anyway. and i'll see people tonight at emilys cause we're having a movie night at her house in celebration of the fact tht shes not there =P i think its hella funny that we still go to emilys house and hang out even when shes not there, and her family doesn't thhink its strange at all. God damn its hot. Its really fucking hot. it was really hot yesterday to. i hate the hotness, i want it to go back to the mild not very hotness that it was for a while. god im so bored. i can't go anywhere cause prep has my wallet and she wont pick up her fucking phone cause shes a whore and shes at work. sigh. oh well, whatever...