Nov 13, 2006 05:53
Hello again. Yes, I've updated here a lot lately, when I said that I probably wouldn't. Yes, well, whatever. I've had a lazy weekend, instead of being busy like I thought I'd be. I was supposed to get together with M and J, but I couldn't because of something I had to go to on Saturday and my mom was sick. She's doing better now, luckily. It still hasn't been a year since she had a triple bypass.
So, I also thought I'd be going to a Nano thing with Ponine on Sunday, the weekly write-in, but she had to go to something with her parents that she forgot to tell me about. That is one of the worst things she does, is not keeping track of things and she makes plans, then can't do them. It's like she doesn't even consider other people as important, because she doesn't bother being responsible for her own schedule so she can know what she can and can't do when she make plans. It's incredibly frustrating. Between Ponine and Rini, it's like I'm only good to be with if there isn't something better or easier to do. I think I'm usually a good friend, if I am somewhat critical or bossy or whatever, but I don't think I take them for granted. Why do they do that to me?
Whatever. Anyway, so I was so tired this weekend, I ended up sleeping a ton. Sometimes being female is pain. Literally, too. I also didn't do anymore with my Nano or any homework or housework, so basically I did nothing. Nothing, and updating my lj. Scintillating. :P
Ooh, well, I've also watched Star Wars. All six of them, and recorded them too. That was the best part of the weekend. We ordered Cinemax added to our cable, mainly because of it having an all weekend long marathon of all the Star Wars movies. Awesomeness to the tenth power! Wow, I'm a geek.
All weekend, every time I've been up, I've been watching them. It's Episode V right now. Han, et al, just got to Cloud City. Eee. Lando's hot. So is Han. Luke, not as much, but there were a couple cute shots. And I love Yoda, Obi-wan, C3PO, R2D2, and Chewie. And Vader. Gah, everybody. Well, not Jabba.
When I was younger, I had a bit of an obsession with the originals. It overcame me just before Episode I was set to come out. Made it the coolest thing for me. And I don't care what anyone says, I liked the prequels. Even Jar Jar. He was there for comic relief, and kids loved him. And no one can say that Yoda's fight scenes weren't the best things ever! Sure, Anakin as an adult wasn't the best in all those sweet-sy scenes, but he was good being crazy in the end. All the stuff that happened to poor C3PO, esp in Episode II, was hilarious. And the end fight scenes in Episode III!!!! Anakin vs. Obi-Wan and Yoda vs. Palpatine! Coolie.
Grr, traitorous Lando. Vader and Fett just appeared on screen.
Okay, so my obsession was a little extreme. I literally watched Episode IV and V hundreds of times, and Episode VI twice that. That was my favorite. I haven't seen the prequels as much, but I like them. I love how sarcastic Obi-Wan is in Episode II. And I read most of the adult books that were authorized by Lucas to be written, the ones set after the movies. [Book spoilers] Wish Leia had accepted her Jedi side more in those, would have been cooler. And I didn't like Chewie and Anakin getting killed in the later ones. But I did like Jacen and Jania (sp?) being powerful, and Ben being born. Mara Jade was cool once she got past thinking Luke was bad, and Luke got past the dark side influence, and they got together. I wasn't really happy with the Jedi split between those wanting to use the Force for offense and those only believing it should be for defense. And those damn creatures that tried to take over everything! Gah. Okay, sorry to anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about. That made more sense, sort of, for those that have read the books. Otherwise it was senseless rambling, instead of just rambling.
"I love you." "I know." Hehe.
Right. Somehow this entry deverged into a Star Wars lovefest, even though I totally didn't plan it. Over three days of Star Wars over and over apparently scrambles your brain. Just a warning.
So, since I've completely guarenteed my place in Nerddom, I'll finish up with my favorite scenes and stuff. (Ignore spellings if I'm off, I'm usually more meticulous, but I'm still tired.)
Episode I -
Anything with Qui-Gon
First meeting Jar Jar
Amidala's clothes
Cute Ani
Obi-Wan killing Darth Maul - poor Qui-Gon
Episode II -
Obi-Wan's sarcasm
Count Dooku
Padme's fighting
Big Jedi fight scene
Yoda fighting Dooku - he should have won, totally!
C3PO's trials
Owen & Beru
Episode III -
All the references to things from originals
Anakin's longer hair
Elevator shaft scenes in beginning - Obi-Wan waking up and grabbing on to Anakin, hehe.
End fight scene
Senator Organa
Yoda telling Obi-Wan about Qui-Gon in the Force
Luke & Leia
Scene outside of Lars house with sunset
*Eee, Episode VI coming on!!!! Yea!
Episode IV -
Two suns of Tatootine scene
First scene with Obi-Wan
Luke getting shot in bum while training
Peter Cushing
Obi-Wan smirking when getting killed
Episode V
Han saving Luke on Hoth
Yoda, anything Yoda
Han getting tortured - I'm evil, but I love men getting hurt, makes them vulnerable. Leaves us to save them, or just take advantage. Yummy.
Leia going back for Luke
Episode VI
"This bounty hunter is my kinda scum..."
Han all vulnerable and save-able
Chewie petting Han
Luke acting all cool and Jedi in Jabba's palace
"How we doing?" "Same as always." "That bad, huh?"
Fight scene at Sarlak pit
Luke talking to Obi-Wan
Wedge Antilles
Lando all good
Ewoks - those cute baby ones, aww!
"The Force is strong in my family - my father has it, I have it, ... my sister has it."
Vader and Luke talking after Luke went to him
The machine part of Vader's arm reminding Luke he was his father - it wasn't blood that did it, but the part that was not man anymore.
Palpatine using his power
Vader killing Palpatine to save Luke - finally!
"Tell your sister you were right..."
Celebration scene - the special edition version is the better one, definately.
Luke seeing Yoda, Obi-Wan, and Anakin in the Force
It was soooo cool in this latest version. At the end, where Luke sees the three of them, they changed it so instead of seeing Yoda, Obi-Wan, and an older Anakin, they had Yoda, Obi-Wan, and younger Anakin. It was awesome! They'd removed Sebastian Shaw, and put in Hayden instead. It fit so well, after seeing all of them, to have the end of sixth have younger Anakin. It was poignant in that he went back to the age where he still was Anakin instead of Vader, before Ani died, from a certain point of view. So nice.
Okay, I know I should stop when I start waxing poetic about Star Wars, of all things.
Til next time, may the Force be with you!
*grins* ~Zenn