Jun 07, 2008 19:16
I hate tampa. I really do. i think it has a huge thing to do with where I live in Tampa. Not the prettiest of places, though it is close to a wicked cemetary that I'm desperate to go waltzing through in typical gothic fashion.
The house is falling apart and due to immature previous upstairs roomates we have a constant bug problem we cannot seem to get rid of.
The only shining light in the filthy city is a handful of truly remarkable people, two of which being Ally and James. You guys would love Ally and James. She's picking up reiki and goes to all these awesome workshops and randomly decided to help me with makeup idea and is truly a portrait of a good person. Spyder and I stopped by their place today. I love the house they rent. It's very homey and comfy. There's a pool in the back and a comfy porch. That's the kind of house I want to live in. That's the kind of neighborhood I would like to have.
On the way out we noticed a house for rent a few doors down. Cute little back yard with a fence to keep wandering pup dogs in. Nice master bedroom. Cute little kitchen. A dining room! A place I could invite my friends over to and not feel embarressed (I guess that's my Libra talking. I hear they like nice things). I fell in love. Absolutly in love. And the price range is affordable. First and last is going to be hard to come up with but its not much further from where we are now which is perfect. It's COMFORTABLE in that neighborhood. Even spyder remarked on the energy there. We'll need another roomate that doesn't balk at the idea of naked people walking around at all hours of the day or night, but it fits us. It really does. At least until we're ready to buy a house of our own.
I need to come up with first and last. I want this house. I want out of this shit hole. I want to feel relaxed in my house and not worry about some creature crawling out in the dark of night to walk across me or my stuff.
I like that house!
Leo impulsiveness is no good for me sometimes. I may keep it down most of the time but when I want something I WANT something and little to nothing will stop me. I need to pick up a second job. I need to pick up extra hours of work. I wish I had my car paid off already