Jan 28, 2006 04:32
And help did I get. After pissing everyone off by kicking Geddy out of my house and threatening suicide, Geddy phoned Adrian to give him a ride home. Ashley phoned one of her friends, who phoned 911. Adrian ran into the apartment to tell me that, thank god. Geddy had left a sack of E, ~20 pills, on the computer desk in plain sight. I managed to hide any sort of drug related objects and all the weapons I own, just in case. The police showed up, explaining that I was under arrest and they were taking me to the Emergency Room. I talked them down a bit, saying that things were blown completely out of proportion, and they let me voluntarily get in the car, instead.
They drove me to Steven's Hospital, whereupon I checked in, remaining calm. The bloodflow on my arm had stopped and turned into dry, crusty maroon. I was led into a room that was very similar to one of them padded rooms, just with a bed and no padding. They had me take a UA and a bloodtest. After they cleaned up my cuts, I waited for about an hour and a half or so, until a psychiatrist arrived. I explained my story about how I have been extremely stressed and blah blah blah. He gave me some advice, forced me to sign a "No Harm" contract, and gave me a couple references to other mental health experts in the area.
He said what I need is more time to myself. I've been having too much social activity, which is resulting in serious ego loss. It makes sense, I guess.
After that, he sent me home. I think this may have been one of the worst nights of my life.