oh, man so mcuh to post, ok i'm doing 2 posts.
1. on the way to school yesterday i passed 2 deer heads and 3 legs all intact, with not much else around other than blood stains.
2. shit. i forgot...
damn! it was something good too. hope i remember it soon.
damn, i'm really annoyed.
i'll just move on to school news
A. the teacher is fluent in ASL, english, and spanish, as fara s i know
B. we played Scrabble in class today to practice finger spelling
C. it's an all girl class. one girl is handicapped in about 10 ways, one is a junior in HS, 4 went to towson, and one lives less than 2 minutes from me
D. the teacher's a retired shrink
II. Chemistry
A. taught by 2 teachers, one for lab, one for lecture. they're both a little hick-y. talk like hank hill, especially with their pronounced Hs and the structure of their lecturing.
B. the lecture guy is really bizarre. he looks like the question mark guy who does infomercials telling you how to get money from the goverment. and when he writes on the board he turns to ask us a question like Igor, but not hunched over. just sorta dips into a starting-to-squat state. also, he put his arm on me twice today and it was like ice.
C. this guy in my class looks JUST like Brad Pitt as Tyler Durden from Fight Club. SO FRIGGIN HOT
D. dull as HELL. especially... heh... i just realized my lab professer is Professor Fink. so funny. But he's not. he's weird too. he's boring, over explains things i learnd in 7th grade, is monotonous, then will make some comment that makes you wake up and go "wtf? did he really just say that?" like. "in the lab, if you have long hair, tie it back. you wouldn't want it to accidentally get in the way or get to the bunsen flame and cause and accident. maybe you could bring a hair tie to class, or i could offer you a rubber band. you also should always wear shoes. no open-toed sandals in case you should spill something or if someone breaks a jar and doesn't clean it all up, maybe a piece of glass slides across the room, and you don't see it and your open shoe runs into it and it jams up under your toenail and gets stucking there, and bleeds and ...that wouldn't be fun, would it?" it's always crazy over emphasized gorey threat type things...
III. Creative Writing
A. i think my teacher in this class is a lesbian. really. she just has that vibe, look, mannerisms... you know.
B. this class seems like it'll be fun. and good for me. it'll help me with public speaking, fear of people seeing/reading my work, and learning to write faster(like for essay tests)
C. there are no tests! it's all portfolio grades!! :)
D. i met a girl who's really cool and sweet. her name is Bonnie, and that amused me. you never hear that name lately. i like it.
E. this class has the most guys in it so far, and gorgeous ones. none hotter than mr. brad pitt, though. man, the lab guy said something... oh about neutralizing acids and bases before disposing them, and to neutralize a base with vinegar, i thought of FC. and when he talked about the emergency shower in the lab for chemical accidents.... well... i stopped paying attention to him, heh... anyway...
IV. Drawing
A. class is tomorrow - TBA
also, shower with brad pitt.
*mentally distracted for about 5 minutes*
ok, that's all for now, hopefully i'll remember the other thing soon. ...showerrrr... sorry.