Mar 13, 2006 22:48
Cheney was in the western suburbs tonight. Had the audacity to say something to the effect that Americans would rather be spied on and kept safe from the terrorists than maintaining their rights allotted them by the constitution. These are the same people that are keeping us safe from stem cell research, but when they are presented with a drug antedote for radiation poisoning, decide they only need 100,000 doses.
These people make my skin crawl. Isn't that the way Jim Jones got all those people to Guiana and then had them drink arsenic laced Kool Aid????? Maybe I worry for nothing, if the TSA agents at the airports are any example, I'm sure they aren't able to work the bugging devices anyway.
When did independent thought and actual reasoning become absurd in this country. Maybe the White House and groupies need to view a showing of the movie 1776 to remind them that the constitution was written for a reason and many lives were lost in that cause. Apparently they are so busy tearing down and reframing other governments, that they have forgotten the basis of their own.
Why don't they just stay in Washington, instead of snarling traffic here!?!