letters from the past...

Jun 04, 2007 21:30

Way back when, my senior year of high school (spring 2002), my AP Englist teacher had us do this optional "write a letter to yourself" project. Not only did I do it, but I (along with my other goody-two shoe, over achieving friends) went all out. I wrote a letter to myself, I including one of my writing responses that talked about my past, I had all my current measurements, eye ands hair color, pictures of myself and my friends, and we even wrote letters to each other to put in each others' envelopes. Best of all, I had the forethought to stick in a $5 bill, for chipotle. Once we turned them in, Mrs. Thomas told us she'd send them to us in 5 years; enough time to have completed college, and have had a year in the real world. She told us we'd forget about them, until they showed up. I didn't forget of course, once every month or two, I'd be like "damn it, 43 more months until I get my $5...and my letter"

We finally got them. Mine was sent to my mother's house in May, and she brought it to FL so I could read them. Firstly, looking at my senior picture (taken May 2001, 6 years ago), HOLY CRAP I had long hair. Damn. Wait till I figure out how to scan this picture! Then I read the letters from my friends...and my writing assignment, and then my letter from me, to me. Firstly, I had awesome friends...and am still best friends with one of my two best friends, and am in contact with the other two people that wrote me letters. And Angie's letter? Talk about warm fuzzies! Erin's letter is as if we were just chatting on the phone. Beth's letter was just like how she still is, short, sweet, and a little distracted.

I told my future self that I hoped I was still a vegetarian (I am), that I could still do an awesome cheerleader impression (I can), and that I still didn't subscribe to what other people wanted me to/expected me to do, especially not in order to be popular (I don't).

It was interesting the things I deemed important; certain days (birthdays, events, anniversary of my dad's death), which concerts I had been to, which plays I was in/teched and what parts/jobs I had. A theme through all of my friends letters was how they knew I'd find a special guy/my husband who would like me for who I am (and also that guys suck). My letter mentioned that I hoped I'd found that one guy who was really awesome (and also "remember- men suck!"). Interesting how that while we were allies, and totally queer friendly, it never occured to any of us that I wouldn't turn out to be 100% straight, or that I wouldn't be spending my life trying to find someone to marry. Oh, what feminist theory can do in just a couple of years!

But it was really a good way to look back on where I was, and where I thought I would be...and to start thinking about where I'd like to be (not just physically or educationally/job wise, but emotionally and mentally) in 5 years. I hope that everyone gets a chance like this at some point (though word of advice - make it a twenty!), as I've gotten to be super introspective.

Word up Mrs. Thomas...best English teacher someone could ever ask for. And in reference to Huck Finn, "If this raft is a-rockin', don't come a-knocking!"

ALSO...I just re-remember Angie's cowboy cookies...I need to get me some of those. I dreamed about them last night :)
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