Beyond the Ley

Mar 30, 2005 01:12

Is it me, or is it not.

I admit when it comes to working with Leylines and Nodes and Nexi, I am a Master
But where Are the apprentices ?

I still to this day have not found an earth healer with even a teenth of the power I have, nor
a person that can manipulate power on such a miniscule level. People might not understand me, but look at our planet, it has strops and temper tantrums that last just microseconds, they may cause re-percussions for many hours, prehaps days or years, but to the earth its forgotten in many ways.

Sorry to put it like this but I find healing mankind like healing a half formed scab, worthless. Someone else is much better suited to the job. I am dedicated to the job which best suites me. I find my affinity and my time appreciated. Which is oft more important than any response I get from a human bean.

I may spend my time healing a Yew or an Alder, or a Pear or apple, but most of these outlive us anyway. Did anyone know T-Rex has more in common with a chicken than a monster? DNA has shown that T-Rex DNA is similar to Chicken DNA, Who said it before common Scientists? (anyone for KFTr)

Before I found My working name, which I am still not 100% about I knew the way of the world. The World is not mercyless, its evolutionary. "If it don't work; Delete it". I agree! Yet am I Uncaring of the worlds woes? nope, I think not, the Planet with its healers is quite capable of healing, it just needs to purge the bad bits. If peeps can't cope with the very basis of the Universal answer then they should stop thinking they are so important. If the Universe decides that the earth is in the way, do you think it will have a concience about wiping it out of the way? DON'T BE DAFT. After all how old is the universe? (Do you think we will ever know?).

Do you realy think it will tell you: I bet most of you think there are only NINE planets in the Solar system, Bah. Wait until 2015 then you will find out why there isn't there is at least ten! SOL our local star is like our earth, it has its own magnetosphere which to my (please don't quote me on this, this is from memory) extends four times further than Pluto, Planet X was identified in 1999 but I haven't heard much more since then other than a Granger probe is to be sent in 2015. Scientists believe that Planet 10 has the Mass and Size of at least earth by the debris that is NOT Present in the areas beyond Plutos nearest asteroid belt, Like the area that is filled with the EARTH (AKA Terra Firma)

So where does this fit with Magic?

Ley Lines don't just exist on planet the exist throughout the solar system, if you can see and use Leys look and see. JUST IGNORE the silver rope thoery, the Solar ones are not silver, neither are the minor ones, and the major ones are completely non-colored.Imagine a point that connects the sun and pluto (and beyond, that always connects to x coordinate. Sometimes it will be X length sometimes X+ length sometimes X- length. Then sometimes it will pass through 1 or more planets. This falls into the path of what most people call astrology, but few people understand the real consiquences.


Lets stop and look at Jupiter, Io and the Sun. Jupiter and Io pretty much permenentaly arc electicity into the petrawatts range and beyond. Now when Jupiter is nearer to the Sun what happens? Does solar activity on SOL increase or decrease? Does Sol Arc towards Jupiter, and what effect does this have on IO?

And when Jupiter is furthest away does SOL stop arcing towards it?

For these answers you can either spend years researching the answers or you can touch the ley. Believer or not you tell me. I am but the avatar.
beyond the Example.

Look at the way Electricity works, look at Fluid dynamics forget dark matter we aint even touched the surface of what we already use on a day to day basis.
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