Jan 19, 2004 23:36
Does anyone remember when Lynn's breasts were named back in high school. At least I think it was Lynn, could have been Becca. Though Becca probably did it too even if it was Lynn. Anyway, I digress...Regardless of who, remember the breast naming. Well mine just got named. Chris and I were discussing how he couldn't wait until Mara started learning to notice objects as objects and start reaching for them. I mentioned that in a limited way she has already started, namely my breasts. She knows exactly where they are and what they are for and how to reach for them. Chris said that they were a special situation, the Alpha and the Omega. The right being Alpha and the left being Omega. Anyway, I just found that so funny, especially remembering high school that I had to share. And if this was TMI, I apologize. And now to my second most common pastime, finding food.