Yey, my nunchucs arrived today, I would put a picture of them on, if I had a camera, or if they looked any different from the ones on the web link on my last entry. maybe I'll get good and then post a clip of me doing all ninja stuff with them.
I tried to make my self an icon, but my computer has only basic programs, so it turned out as a film, that only plays on windows media player (wmv file) and so is too big, and the wrong file, to be uploaded. Oh well.
I got another job interview offer yesterday, this latest one is for Music Zone accounts in Stockport (the home of music zone!), it's in an industrial estate, not the shop, but hopefully it gives a discount, especially since they're only offering minimum wage. Worth a look anyway I guess. I still don't know whether to go back to college or not? An art foundation would be good, I've still got to wait till September if I do that anyway, need something in the mean time to keep me busy (and give me money).
I've not really done much this week, I've been trying to do up my
My Space page but I don't really know much html stuff. There are plenty of very helpful guide pages, but I don't really like the results from any of them.