Apr 28, 2011 20:06
so a few weekends ago, actually last payday, i went and visited desire in concord. and that saturday night, we went to a magical place called 1220. the gay bar of walnut creek. i feel that if the merc and badlands had a baby it would be 1220. so i greatly enjoyed it.
anyway, whilst there, des and i befriended this fabulous gay man named brian. we chatted, exchanged numbers, declared new bff status and generally enjoyed each others company. good times were had indeed.
texts to confirm the other was still alive followed the morning after. and a few how's yr days? have also circulated.
however, today, i got one that started apologizing for how messy he was that night. which, in all honesty, yeah i knew he was a bit drunk, but by no means unable to maintain or out of control. just having a good time. which i let him know. and then it starts a whole huge conversation via text.. which turns to him inviting me to his concert... so i knew he was a musician. but he was telling me about how he was a composer for tv shows or something.. didnt realize or put it together that he was actually in a band of sorts. so, new information.. good to know.. so i ask if he has anything i could listen to.. so he sends me a link and..
i did not see that coming. it is really good. his band is dylan in the movies. i recommend it.
very dreamy.
very relaxing.
very beautiful.
kinda blew me away. in the best way possible.
good times,