Jul 30, 2005 00:13
So..we have this new manager at Domino's, Steve. And he has some good idea's..but..he makes some really stupid decisions! Today, Dan was suppose to work, but he wasn't there and myself and Teresa were talking about how he was being an idiot be NOT MAKING HIS DROPS! And I was like..is that why he's not here?? But! He wasn't fired, Steve just told him to stay home...*the look*..We got our butts kicked for a while..we had pizza's 40 minutes out the door! Shane would have shit himself! *sigh*..Stupid Steve!
Anyways..while I'm on the topic of Domino's..I'm not sure if I wanna work at Domino's anymore. I mean..I really like it, for the most part. But I think the only reason why I want to stay is because of the people. I really like the people I work with (most of them..lol). But I feel that I deserve more then I'm getting. I've been there for 2 1/2 years and I'm averaging 12 hours a week..if I'm lucky. And that's at minimum wage. Aaaarg..I don't know! What do you people think?!?!?!
But on the plus side! I'm enjoying my other job!! It's a lot of fun. I get to meet a bunch of different people, and 98% of them are pretty cool..some don't talk and some are kinda rude..but a lot are pretty cool. And I make $30 a day, plus about $15-$20 in tips each day, PLUS I get my nails and toes done for free! AND I pretty much sit on my ass all day. It's pretty cool! What does suck about it though is that I'm stuck in this store all day five days a week and I don't get to enjoy the pretty, but hot weather. That sucks! But I guess I can't have it all!!! Lol!
Having two jobs is kind of tough, but in the end I know it'll all be okay! Woooo optimism!!!