I'm fairly certain that a friend of mine is spending the night Friday night, so I probably won't be around. Just FYI. xD I'm going to make her watch "200 Motels". >:3 Yes, I enjoy corrupting minds, lol.
And now...A music meme. =P
1. Of all the bands/artists in your cd/record collection, which one do you own the most albums by?
Ooh, easily The Who. =]
2. What was the last song you listened to?
"Dancing in the Street" - The Who.
3. What’s in your record/cd player right now?
Nothing, because I can't stand leaving things in my record/CD player. <<
4. What song would you say sums you up?
I'd say "Girl's Eyes" by The Who sums me up pretty much perfectly.
5. What’s your favorite local band?
I've only heard one local band, because they performed at a chorus concert one year for some reason. They sucked, man. So..It's impossible for me to have a 'favourite'. xD
6. What was the last show you attended?
Uh....Cheap Trick did a free concert in Orlando last year that I went to.
7. What was the greatest show you’ve ever been to?
Davy Jones at Epcot. =P He and Cheap Trick are the only real people I've seen live (the Beatles tribute band at Epcot doesn't count, lol).
8. What’s the worst band you’ve ever seen in concert?
Neither of the two I've seen were bad at all.
9. What band do you love musically but hate the members of?
Um...I don't really hate any people from bands I listen to. Unless 80s!Who counts, in which case, Kenney. D:<
11. What show are you looking forward to?
I want The Who to tour again so I can finally see them. -pout-
12. What is your favorite band shirt?
Hm...I absolutely love my Keith shirt, but it's kind of uncomfortable. D: So my Who shirt it is. <3 (I'm just guessing my mod target shirt doesn't count. xD)
13. What musician would you like to hang out with for a day?
Unless it has to be someone..Living...In which case, Pete Townshend. Since we're pretty much bff, according to my dreams. xD No really, he seems like fun to hang out with to me.
14. What musician would you like to be in love with for a day?
....Seriously, if you don't know this, GTFO. xD I'm going to say it anyway though, since I can't help myself.
Keith Moon! ♥ Only for more than just a day.
15. Metal question: Jeans and Leather vs. Cracker Jack clothes?
Lack of knowledge of these 'Cracker Jack' clothes prevents me from answering this question.
16. Sabbath or solo Ozzy?
Solo Ozzy.
17. Commodores or solo Lionel Ritchie?
I haven't listened to much of either. xD;
18. Punk rock, hip hop or heavy metal?
19. Doesn’t Primus suck?
I keep hearing that they do, but I've never listened to them so I don't know.
20. Name 4 flawless albums:
My Generation
The Who By Numbers
All by The Who, of course. ;]
21. Did you know that filling out this survey makes you a music geek?
Did you know that that makes me smile?
22. What was the greatest decade for music?
The 60s and 70s. It counts as one decade because I say so! D:<
23. How many music-related videos/dvds do you own?
Shit, lol. I'm too lazy to get up and count. I'm going to say.....10? Probably a couple more though, I don't know.
24. Do you like Journey?
I've come to the conclusion that anyone who says they don't like Journey is lying. ;P I love Journey, Steve Perry's voice is amazing.
25. Don’t try to pretend you don’t!
I'm not. D:<
...This seems very familiar...Have I done this meme before? :O
26. What is your favorite movie soundtrack?
Probably "Across the Universe".
27. What was your last musical "phase" before you wised up?
Er, not really a 'phase', but I used to force myself to listen to shit like My Chemical Romance just to fit in with people. Yeah, I was lame in middle school. Now I don't care if I 'fit in' or not, in this sense anyway. xD
28. What’s the crappiest CD/record/etc. you’ve ever bought?
I don't know, some My Chemical Romance CD. D: I knew it'd be crappy but I bought it anyway because, like I said, I was lame. xP
29. Do you prefer vinyl or CDs?
Vinyls are more fun. x]
Man. I've been feeling like crying all day and I don't know why. =/ I've been holding it in though, because there's no real reason for me to. Well...There may be. But I don't know. I'm confused. I think I'm just being foolish. -sigh- Oh well. I'm feeling better now than I was earlier, so I guess that's good.