LOLOLOL, dreams.

Feb 18, 2008 14:16

I had such a weird dream last night. It's amusing too. xD There are some parts I don't remember very well though.

It started out with me in some really old house. It was more like a mansion really, and it looked like it was built in the 1700s. There was a party going on in the house, and everyone there was dressed in fancy clothes (from the 1700s), except for me, I was dressed in a t-shirt and jeans. xD I wasn't allowed at the party apparently, and I was ushered into a different section of the house by someone. In that part of the house were several rooms; three of them were bedrooms, one was a living room, and I think one of them was a bathroom. There were a couple of other people scattered about the rooms but I don't know who they were, one person who was in the living room was one of my cousins (my bitchy-aunt's youngest daughter) and she was in her pajamas sitting on the couch and watching TV. We talked a little bit, I don't know what about, and then I started roaming around. I remember being extremely bored, but even more uneasy about being in the house. There was some sort of issue about some group (more like army) of Russians going around, it was a big terrorist-type thing I think. But I'm pretty sure a group of American's were the terrorists and the Russians came here as a sort of revenge thing, but they took it out of hand and started attacking innocent people.

This is where my memory gets foggy, I don't remember much of what happened. I remember pacing from room to room a lot. And then something about Dean Martin's ghost. I don't remember seeing him, but I think he spoke to me about something. It was weird, but it calmed me down a bit. Then some time went by and I could feel that something wasn't right, something was terribly wrong. Then out of nowhere, I felt something hit me smack in the middle of my forehead. It felt like someone flicked me. I touched the spot where I was hit, and there was something stuck there, almost like a post-it note. I pulled it off and it was a small black square, I turned it over and it said something like "We see you, and we can now hear everything you say". They had implanted some kind of chip in my head. I freaked out, I remember sweating a lot and not knowing what to do. I couldn't go tell anyone at the party about it because I was stuck in this secluded part of the house. I started yelling about the Russians and about what had just happened to me, but no one listened to me. It was almost like they didn't even hear me. I ran to my cousin and she just laughed it off like I was messing around, no matter what I said.

Then I woke up for a minute and then went back to sleep. The dream didn't really continue form where it stopped, but it was the same sort of scenario.

Now I had broken back into the party. I had a group of people with me now who were, apparently, my friends. I don't know who any of them were though, there were two guys and two other girls besides myself. They were dressed in 'normal' clothes like I was, compared to the Victorian-era stuff that was going on around us. Apparently I was going out with one of the guys (who looked like a typical 'scene' kid. D:), but we were on a 'break' or something because we kind of avoided each other. Before I could say anything about the thing that happened with the Russians and the chip in my forehead, a bunch of men dressed all in black spandex dropped into the party by ropes from the ceiling RUSSIANS lulz. Everyone started yelling and screaming and dashing for the door. My group of friends and I ran too, and I almost got caught by one of the Russians. We escaped to somewhere...I don't know where we were, it looked exactly like the part of the house I had been ushered into in the first part of my dream, but I know it wasn't.

My memory got foggy again, but the next thing I remember is that I was talking to Beetlejuice (LOL). Apparently we're BFFs. x'D He looked like the movie Beetlejuice only less gross, like he actually took a shower or something and he had clean teeth, and he acted like a mix between the movie and the cartoon Beetlejuice. xD We were being all buddy-buddy and my other friends were a bit off to the side talking amongst themselves. My 'boyfriend', or whatever you want to call him, was sulking because of how close I was with Beetlejuice (XD). I swear, he was this close from being all "/wrist", lol. Then I kind of like, jumped on Beetlejuice and we were being pervy just for the sake of LULZ, and the 'boyfriend' kid stormed off. That, of course, made us laugh even more (wow, I was a bitch, lol). One of the girls glared at me and ran off after him. The other guy and girl were a couple I guess, and they stuck around, they were laughing as well. I can't remember much of what happened next, but apparently Beetlejuice kissed me and we became a couple as well (LOL WUT). One of those "you're my BFF but I love you" kind of things, lmao. It was weird as hell.

Then I woke up again, but fell back asleep soon after and the same thing happened.

Now I was in a school-type place, it looked like a Kindergarten classroom. The tables were really low and the plastic chairs were tiny even though everyone in there was much older than Kindergarten-age. The room was filled with only natural sunlight coming in through the big windows on the other side of the room. There were two tables, one with like, 15 people and the other one consisted of the small group of people from the last part of my dream. I was mad though, because I had to sit next to the '/wrist' kid and the girl who got pissed at me sat between Beetlejuice and I so we couldn't cause any trouble. D: They were both like "-GLARE-" at me too, lol. And Beetlejuice was snerking at them. Apparently there was some sort of rivalry/contest going on between my table and the other one, because people at the other one kept slagging us and we kept being all "PFFT. -eyeroll-" and Beetlejuice gave them the 'two finger salute', lol. The teacher came up and she was really tall and was wearing a long, flower-pattern dress. She asked if we had the assignment, and I was like "D:!" because I had no idea we even had an assignment to do, I didn't even know where the hell I was. xD; Thankfully, Beetlejuice produced a piece of paper and gave it to her. The assignment was to write a poem to the other table, a mean poem. The teacher read the poem from the other table first. It was long and stupid, and got loud obnoxious laughs from their table and eyerolls from ours. Then the teacher read the one Beetlejuice wrote. I really wish I could remember what it said, because I was about to die from laughter in the dream. xD Then I remember sitting on Beetlejuice's lap, still laughing really hard and he was all ">:3".

I know it didn't end like that, but the last thing I remember was us all walking down a cobblestone road and that's it. xD
Interesting, Y/N?

Anyway...I'd tell you all about my trip yesterday, but I'd rather not because I ended up in a really bad mood by the time we got home. xD; I will say that my dad's "shortcut" ended up taking 4 hours because he forgot about the traffic from everyone going to Nascar. That was pretty hilarious. xD Oh! And when we were stopped at a gas-station, there was a freaking huge wasp that landed on the outside of the windshield right in front of me. At first I was like "OMFG. D:!" but then I started laughing really hard. My mum was like "...Don't." but it was too late, I yelled "WASPMAAAAAAAN!" and then started singing that for a bit. XD I couldn't help myself.

Edit;; Just because it's lulz:
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