"Churches......Chuuuurches.....Liquor stooooorre!"

Jan 30, 2008 02:58

200 Motels is pretty bloody amazing. If you enjoy movies that are just...WEIRD AS HELL. I mean, seriously. Anyone who thinks "Tommy" is weird just...Has no idea. XD This movie is such a trip, I love it. Totally worth the $20.

There was one part though.......
Keith's main scene. I almost cried. D: No, scratch that, I did start crying.
He plays a groupie nun (lol wut), and (s)he took too many downers. He was laying in bed and kept saying "I'm going to die...I took too many pills, too many downers. I'm going to OD, I'm going to die!", and he was 'crying' and looked really sad. I'm not even exaggerating, he said he was going to OD and die like 20 times. ='[ I almost turned it off, it was terrible. If it would've gone on for a minute more I would've broken down.

Thankfully though, before I completely lost it...The next scene brought some MUCH needed lulz. And I mean serious lulz. The sheer amount of times they managed to say "penis" for no reason at all, man...I couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably. xD I was really thankful for that. It made me feel so much better.

And then Ringo was hilarious, as I expected. He makes a really good Frank Zappa, I must say. xD And how he'd just lean in so that he was on screen and then say "Hello there..." all creepy-like was great, haha.

Keith's scenes, minus the only one he actually talked in (which I'm sure was hilarious at the time), were great. I laughed every time he was on-screen (I know I'm biased, but shh). Because really: Keith + nun costume + being a groupie = L-O-L.

...Alright, I'm done now. xD; This movie is screwing with my mind, lmao.
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