The Trap is Sprung...

Apr 12, 2009 01:33

[In a non-descript city somewhere in the nexus of worlds......]

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Run all you like, little human-creatures! Nothing will stop lady Rikoukeidar's quest for vengeance! Suffer and flee!"

[Strange looking shadow-men are running about the entire length of the city, terrorizing any human unlucky enough to cross their path. They pop in and out of places to frighten the humans and keep them herded in a narrow location. Suddenly, a massive television screen propped up on the side of a building crackles with static, then reveals the image of one of the black evil creatures.]

"Greetings, humans! I hope you're enjoying your daily dose of fear! But unless you want things to start getting serious, you'll find 'Sailor Mercury' and bring her to us! Our master has a few words for her! Don't keep us waiting our this entire town will be ours! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

[The screen then goes blank and the cries of terror begin anew.]

pallapalla/sailor pallas (shadowpallas), mercury/mizuno ami (waterfell), mercury (mizuno_hime), nephrite/sanou yuuta (strengthproven), *open to all, kunzite (earthvictorious), mercury (boundtowater), mercury/mizuno ami (mizunosenshi)

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