Moon love

Jul 23, 2010 00:06

A world like any other. Just your everyday modern Juuban, with cars, shops, Crown... Just a normal, average world like the many out there. There don't seem to be enemies around, for the moment, only people goin on with their lives as normal ( Read more... )

endymion/chiba mamoru (illuminedshield), moon/tsukino usagi (buntails), chiba masako/elysea (earth_crystal), *open to all, moon/tsukino usagi (inverted_moon), demando (kingofblackmoon)

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> Explain the scholarship inverted_moon July 23 2010, 12:10:49 UTC
"I don't know how I could prove it, at least not now;" she doubts they have her grade record in this world after all. "Unless you want to do me a test, right here and now;" that almost sounds as a challenge. Your scepticism, she'll beat it.

"Anyway, I have a scholarship regarding my grades, basically I have to be in the top five of the whole school and the top ten of the whole city in every exam to keep it. So basically, just getting fifth place isn't enough sometimes if the other schools get high grades;" quite a difficult one to keep, but so far she's good with it. "I also won a couple of scholarships, one of them by nomination from my school, and another one for being from another country but that one will expire soon on its own, it's only for one year. Overall I don't have to pay much for school thanks to them, but they only serve to pay for school..."

Food, clothes, bills aren't paid by scholarships. Even living with the shitennou and with Nephrite and Kunzite working she has to get money for her own needs and to help in the house.

> Take up her offer of testing her yourself.
> Ask what she means about 'being from another country'
> Treat her to something at Crown after all


> treat her to something at Crown after all illuminedshield July 23 2010, 12:13:51 UTC
"Let's go in anyway," Mamoru offers. He's always known the princess is quite bright when she puts her mind to it. He's just never expected to live to see her put her mind to it. He supposes he should encourage this.

> Accept!
> Refuse.
> Tell him more.


> Accept! inverted_moon July 23 2010, 12:24:10 UTC
"Really? Yay!" Usagi literally bounces cheerfully and steps next to him smiling at him brightly. She has always liked to be invited, it meant she was able to put a stop to her waste of money for a moment at least. In the long run it usually helped a lot even if at first it didn't seem so; "I'll invite you to something next time to pay you back!" That she likes to be invited doesn't mean she won't pay back or return the gesture.

"And I'll show you my grades whenever I can, so you can see for yourself how fine they are;" this Usagi has had to put her mind to it a lot for many reasons. Living alone was one, wanting to chase Ami was another, wanting to go to another country was the final one. She can't really remember how it is to not worry about scholarships or money.

> Ask her to tell you more about herself
> Tell her there's no need for her to invite you next time
> Tease her a bit more about how cheerful she seems at being invited


> Tell her there's no need for her to invite you next time. illuminedshield July 23 2010, 12:29:28 UTC
"I invited you," Mamoru reminds Usagi firmly. "I won't hear any talk of repayment." If they go out again, he'll pay then, too. It's the chivalrous thing if he's taking a girl out, even if it wouldn't quite be a date.

> Thank him.
> Insist on paying him back later.
> Run ahead into Crown.


> Thank him inverted_moon July 23 2010, 12:37:18 UTC
"Okay, as you wish;" she agrees easily and with a smile. In the inside thought, she's plotting about how to pay back without it being obviously a repayment. "Thank you for inviting me, then... Can I have an ice cream?"

> Agree and go into Crown
> Tease her that ice cream will make her fat
> Make sure she's not plotting to still do what she wants regarding the repayment


> Tease her that the ice cream will make her fat. (Sort of.) illuminedshield July 23 2010, 12:53:29 UTC
"Just be careful not to order too much," Mamoru can't help himself, really. "You'll grow right out of your school uniform."

> Storm off angrily.
> Yell at him/Inform him where he can shove his ice cream.
> Laugh it off.


> Laugh it off inverted_moon July 23 2010, 21:05:15 UTC
"Right, because I eat tons of it every day and do no exercise to burn it all;" she laughs cheerfully. She loves icecream and sweets, but they aren't the healthiest things neither do fill one's stomach much. Sure, one would expect a Usagi with money to keep wasting it on sweets, but... A week bedridden because stomach ache for having eat too many sweets and being at the edge of losing her scholarship and thus become unable to study in the same school as Ami made this Usagi watch out for what she eats.

"I'm sure you're more worried about me burning your wallet by ordering a lot of it than of me getting fat;" she sticks out her tongue at him playfully as she heads to Crown, laughing again.

> Keep teasing
> Scold her for insinuating that you don't want to invite her too much
> Be amused by her good mood.


> Be amused by her good mood illuminedshield July 23 2010, 21:15:26 UTC
"It's good to see you like this," Mamoru comments as they head inside. Once they're there, he asks for a booth - he thinks he remembers she always preferred booths - and waits a moment for a server to show them the way.

> Ask for a table instead.
> Decide what you want to order before you even sit down.
> Notice a friend to go say hello to.


> Decide what you want to order before you even sit down inverted_moon July 23 2010, 22:05:57 UTC
"Is it?" Usagi just smiles. It does feel good, the teasing the casual conversation... It almost feels like being a normal girl, like she was once. Why wasn't she so happy by those small things back then? Why did she have to fake it? She can't remember how it started, but she doesn't want it to happen again, so she just lets herself go with this simple happiness.

As they go to the booth she's already thinking about what icecream she will order; "Can I have a banana split?" She asks him as if looking for approbation.

> Complain for her being so impatient
> Tease her for being impatient
> Think what you want to order too


> Tease her for being impatient. illuminedshield July 23 2010, 22:09:17 UTC
"Hey, slow down," Mamoru protests, but he's still smiling. "I haven't even looked at the menu yet. But if that's what you want, go ahead and order it."

> Slow down and wait for your orders to be taken.
> Pout at having to wait.
> Get embarrassed and try to be patient.


> Slow down and wait for your orders to be taken inverted_moon July 23 2010, 22:59:50 UTC
Usagi smiles slightly embarrassed and scratches her head a bit as she laughs nervously; "I'm sorry. I honestly don't get icecream often and I wanted to make sure if it was okay with you if I ordered that. I'm not sure how much it may cost here after all."

After that she just smiles and waits patiently for their orders to be taken, looking still as happy as before and in a great mood. She doesn't look much around thought, as if she's not curious at all about the people that may be there or not. Mostly because she doesn't expect anyone to be there, or rather anyone who would want to talk to her... Even if she's sitting with Mamoru right now, but he doesn't count in the same group as the others.

> Wonder how she has been
> Compliment her patience
> Ask if she uses to come to Crown often


Re: > Slow down and wait for your orders to be taken illuminedshield July 23 2010, 23:07:04 UTC
"It's fine," Mamoru promises Usagi. "I told you, you can have whatever you want today. Think of it as a treat for your grades."

He really doesn't mind. He also really doesn't plan to tell her he just got paid, because losing all his wallet at one go is a bit too much. He'd like to still have food this month.

> Order and dig in!
> Ask what Mamoru's having.
> Talk about when you do come to Crown.


> Ask what Mamoru's having inverted_moon July 24 2010, 01:34:24 UTC
Even if she knew he had just got paid she wouldn't ask for more than just one serve of banana split. She knows what's like to have to watch out for what one wastes, still, it's good she doesn't know, she could insist again on the repayment thing otherwise.

"Yay! Thank you!" Usagi smiles cheerfully and excitedly at the idea of having some icecream. Still her attention is also on him, not just in the prospect of food. "What are you going to order?"

> Order icecream as well
> Order just something to drink
> Order something else


> order just something to drink illuminedshield July 24 2010, 01:44:31 UTC
"I'm not really too hungry right now. I'll probably have a milkshake or a drink."

Sure enough, once their orders are taken, Mamoru asks for Usagi's banana split and a milkshake for himself.

> Sneak some of his milkshake.
> Change your order last-second!
> Wait for the food.


> Wait for the food inverted_moon July 24 2010, 01:53:06 UTC
Just something to drink? Usagi looks worried for a second; "Is it cheaper than the banana split? I would be happy with just a drink too." She comments, still she doesn't dare to openly change her order at the last second. It would be rude.

He said it was okay but still... "I don't want to leave you without money just because you were inviting me. You have to eat everyday and all. if it's not a good moment and you still want to invite me it can be at another time." Though she probably will 'casually' forget if that's the case or find a way to make it wait even more for another time.

> Get angry at her still being unsure
> Tease her at being apparently unable to decide something again
> Be amazed by her conscious about money even when she's not the one paying.


> tease her for being unable to decide again illuminedshield July 24 2010, 01:55:40 UTC
"Don't worry about it," Mamoru says. "You have to stick to your decisions."

> Pipe down and stop worrying.
> Change the order anyway after all.
> Enjoy being treated.


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