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any/all; definitely truth for shadowing later aroyal_pain May 5 2010, 01:26:27 UTC
Endymion keeps away from the crowd, staying on its fringes. His height gives him an advantage to still be able to see the proceedings. He keeps his face a serious mask. Behind it, it feels... refreshing; not that someone will die but to see the shitennou (and the sailor senshi) coordinated against their true enemy.

He stands at a respectful semi-attention as his father reads out the royal proclamation, his seriousness a mirror of the attitude of his double within the royal enclosure.


truth smirk >) kingoftruth May 5 2010, 02:16:28 UTC
With so many eyes out, so many watching carefully this day of the execution, the sight of the prince outside of the stands does not fail to catch attention. Even if Kunzite did not felt that tingle of the prince's presence, the word reaches his ears soon enough, and he quietly excuses himself from the stands, to teleport away. When he appears, it's standing silently behind his master's alternate at his right.



pain sulk >| aroyal_pain May 5 2010, 02:20:24 UTC
Crap, caught. The prince actually looks a bit wryly apologetic as he turns partway towards Kunzite. "I thought if I stayed this far back, it wouldn't be noticed," he says. "Just tell the people it was a body double or something." It's close to the truth.


he says you earned it, master XD kingoftruth May 5 2010, 04:54:04 UTC
"Perhaps on an day when there were not as many eyes, Master, that would have been the case. It is no trouble for now. However, it is not wise to remain in the public eye while the prince remains in full view." His glance takes in both this prince before him, as well as the one still in the stands at the king's side. "It is dangerous as well. I would rather have master under much more guard than this, on such a day."

The unspoken invitation to retreat to the palace, a place far more guarded, as well as emptied for the execution, is in his eyes.


he says pfft, did not. XD aroyal_pain May 5 2010, 04:57:29 UTC
"Right." Endymion nods, and tears his focus away from the proceedings to follow Kunzite. "That's fine. What's happening exactly, anyway?" An execution, obviously, but he has no face to put to the name Beryl, and today he's been given no name to put to the face.


truth says oh~? pain forgets the deal? XD kingoftruth May 5 2010, 05:30:01 UTC
"Beryl is finally put to justice," he answers easily, his eyes sharp as he keeps track of their surroundings and all who move around them as they make their way to the palace. "She was granted mercy once, in this world. She was let to live, and be free, even returning to her duties as a palace servant. Instead of being grateful for your father's goodwill... she made her way to the prayer tower while you were there with the princess... at the side of our enemy, in an attempt to take both of your lives."


he refuses to acknowledge any deal he made while he was a minor :D aroyal_pain May 5 2010, 05:37:14 UTC
Beryl, huh? Endymion's frown only grows at the full story. Consider him properly warned. "So it's her execution," he says. "I'm glad she was captured that easily." He supposes there'd have been some word of respect if any soldiers had been killed in the attempt or something like that, or any other lives lost.


ffffft, he wasn't a minor by truth's terms, if he was old enough to be trained! >D kingoftruth May 5 2010, 06:24:35 UTC
Kunzite's lips twist up into a little smirk as his mind slips back to the attack they had so easily foiled, and he nods as they finally gain the palace and he leads the prince towards his own personal chambers.

"There were three shitennou to greet them when they arrived." Is that a flicker of amusement in his eyes? "It seemed when Demando found himself cut upon my sword, and facing even Beryl's own dagger under Zoisite's command... he fled quickly."


then kunzite better obey him now that he's of age :D aroyal_pain May 5 2010, 06:26:22 UTC
Endymion is less amused. "So one of them is still out there?" He frowns as he glances back towards the crowds. "Do you know where?"


truth says once he takes the throne... he'll think about it. :-D kingoftruth May 7 2010, 06:31:02 UTC
"Not at this time. That is why there are so many eyes today, and why you were spotted so quickly. Master's safety is tantamount." With such a crowd gathered, and the royalty in such an open place... the security is more intense than it has perhaps ever been.


pain says he'll find some loyal guardsmen who obey him. >| aroyal_pain May 7 2010, 06:48:51 UTC
Endymion's hand finds his sword hilt; a gesture of habit. He gives one more look back to the proceedings, and gives a curt, serious nod.

"Let's go, then. It's better to go somewhere inside."


truth says they DO obey him... they also protect him no matter what. kingoftruth May 7 2010, 07:27:09 UTC
There's an approving look at the quick motion, as if to defend himself, and then Kunzite nods and turns to lead the prince into the palace and to his own personal chambers. It is perhaps one of the safest places in the castle, and one in which they will both be able to relax.


aroyal_pain May 7 2010, 07:32:29 UTC
Once they're inside, Endymion stands somewhat formally near the door. He takes in the chambers that are still quite familiar, the similarities and the differences.

"So you'll be sending your forces against the one who escaped next. Do you have the men to spare the cover all the likely routes?"


kingoftruth May 7 2010, 07:47:38 UTC
That... is a thought that sours his expression a little, even as he moves into the room a little before turning to face the prince. If an angry and troubled look flashes through his eyes... surely it has nothing to do with the words that follow.

"There will not be a pursuit. His highness wishes to offer a... truce... to the false prince."


aroyal_pain May 7 2010, 07:53:01 UTC
"A truce? Is our situation that bad?" It hadn't looked bad from out there, publicly executing one of the enemy. Or is that why they'd executed her, to keep the people calm and give them a sense of victory even while the fighting was going badly?


kingoftruth May 7 2010, 08:09:41 UTC
No. The situation is the best it has been since this war began. The enemy is finally without support, alone and as helpless as he will ever be. Now is not the time to offer a truce, but to hunt Demando down and destroy him once and for all. This truce that the king has decided upon... it grates upon every fiber of Kunzite's being. But he cannot go against his king.

"The enemy knows the location of Metallia. His highness proposes to return a prisoner of war to the enemy, in exchange for the location and the enemy's surrender."


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