
Apr 06, 2010 07:14

Minako takes a punch and goes down hard. She winces, and struggles to get up. Her foe closes in and kicks her right in her side; she slides another few inches across the ground. She gives him a grim, narrow-eyed look and painfully climbs her way to unsteady feet.


Minako holds her final pose an extra few seconds, then her body seems to relax and not a trace of the fight is left in it. She heads over to grab a towel, and a pair of women helps her to mop the sweat away without marring her makeup job.

Welcome to the set of Aino Minako's new movie. She heads over to a rather flimsy-looking harness and checks the safety buckles and clips. She'll be doing all her own stunts this time.

moon/tsukino usagi (giniru_delight), beryl akamine (dress_up_queen), venus/aino minako (loves_la_vie), jadeite (midori_loyalty), venus (goldenadmission), *open to all, zoisite (whitecadenza), mars/hino rei (hinosong)

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