
Mar 22, 2010 02:39

He didn't like to be by himself sometimes. His thoughts caught up with him, surrounded him and made him remember that time. He was broken when they found him, and he wasn't sure he was fixed now. He wasn't sure he'd ever really be fixed. It made him angry, that those people, the enemy, would do something like that to him. It frightened him, to know ( Read more... )

zoisite (windunchained), endymion (aroyal_pain), jadeite (kingofloyalty), kunzite (kingoftruth), *open to all, zoisite (kingofdevotion)

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kingoftruth March 22 2010, 06:56:36 UTC
There's another shitennou standing at the door of that dark room, keeping a silent watch on the youngest of their number. It is not the first time he has done so, nor will it be the last, since he had brought that bloody and broken form back to the Golden Kingdom once more. There is something... something about seeing a man like that, someone you were meant to protect, someone who looked up to you... something about knowing you had failed them so horribly... It made the eldest shitennou more protective than he had ever been. So, once again, Kunzite stands at Jadeite's door silently, watching.


kingofloyalty March 22 2010, 07:00:31 UTC
The physical wounds were mostly healed except for scars he would probably always bear. It was the wounds inside his mind that would take more time. But he was safe now, mostly. He wouldn't truly be safe until that man--Demand--was dead. Until the Black Moon was nothing but a memory.

Something makes Jadeite turn around after a time, and his eyes find the older shitennou. "Kunzite," he says, a little in surprise. His hand leaves the window sill and he comes closer. "Is something wrong?"


kingoftruth March 22 2010, 07:06:06 UTC
Oh? When Jadeite's attention turns upon him, it is only a split second before any brooding expression vanishes upon his face, replaced by amusement. It is not for the younger man to know, exactly how protective he feels, so there is that mask, that guise of mentor, and perhaps eldest brother, that slips easily into place.

"Not at all. I merely wondered why you were awake so late. I thought, perhaps, to be sure you planned nothing insidious. After all, it has been long since you, Nephrite, or Master have made any moves to cause trouble." The tone is light, his lips turned up into that amused smirk. None of the worry shows. The mask is perfect.


kingofloyalty March 22 2010, 07:08:43 UTC
There's the hint of a little smile that comes at that, an attempt at the same mask Kunzite wears. But the younger shitennou doesn't have the practice, the control, and he shakes his head instead, the thought of the smile fading after all. "You should be worried more about Nephrite," he tells the eldest shitennou.


kingoftruth March 22 2010, 07:26:38 UTC
And he would rather than Jadeite never has to develop such a perfect mask of his own, even if he knows as well that it is too late for such foolish wishing. Too much has already happened to preserve all of the innocence that once made up the young blond, and there is none to blame but himself... and the fool prince. But that- is a thought for another night. Another time, when perhaps it may do more good than here.

"Oh~? Have you heard something I have not? Some idea he has planned against me? I would have thought his last two month tour of duty upon the moon had taught him better, but he is a stubborn one at times."


kingofloyalty March 22 2010, 07:42:35 UTC
Kunzite's teasing relaxes him a little. "Maybe it's payback for that," he ponders. "But, he should be grateful, since he actually found someone to put up with him! I'm not surprised he had to go all the way to the moon to get her, either." He folds his arms and glances away in mock disapproval.


kingoftruth March 22 2010, 07:51:00 UTC
The comment manages to win a snort of amused laughter from the elder man. He shouldn't be surprised at the comment, knowing the rivalry the two have always kept up, but as he enjoys tormenting the strongest shitennou at times... Fodder for another time, maybe?

"So you say," he finally drawls back, smirking as he settles in to tease Jadeite instead, "but you have yet to find a woman of your own. Perhaps you should wait until then, before making jest at his choice in women?"


kingofloyalty March 22 2010, 08:04:35 UTC
Jadeite's cheeks redden just a little, and the jab makes him forget his worries from before--but just for now. "I don't need that sort of crutch." he decides almost vehemently.


kingoftruth March 22 2010, 08:16:22 UTC
"I see. Then you have decided on some lady of court?" Because that, of course, is something Kunzite totally approves of. Say nothing for the fact that the man himself finds such women annoying twits who do nothing but chase him around most of the time... Well, perhaps not so much since his dark reputation has grown over the past year or two... but there will always be those who find that even more mysterious. Shaking his head, he laughs and looks back at the younger boy. "You have had me fooled, then, Jadeite."


kingofloyalty March 22 2010, 23:11:19 UTC
Jadeite turns even more red. "I already said I don't need that sort of thing!" he protests. "Unlike Nephrite, I pay attention to my duties." Whether anyone had caught his eye regardless remains unsaid.


kingoftruth March 22 2010, 23:20:46 UTC
"Of course," he replies smoothly, letting it go... for the moment. There's something about that red look that piques his interest, and speaks of more than Jadeite is claiming, perhaps, but for now, that's enough. Instead, his teasing takes another route.

"Should I ask what keeps you up so late, then?" The tone of his voice is light-hearted, curious, but there is an undertone of worry, if the younger man listens close enough.


kingofloyalty March 22 2010, 23:29:59 UTC
He feels guilty. Maybe he shouldn't, but he can't help it. Kunzite came all that way, waged that battle for him, to save him. To let him know it bothers him still...he doesn't want to trouble the eldest shitennou anymore.

"It was too quiet and stuffy," he answers vaguely. Like that place. "I thought I'd open the windows."


kingoftruth March 24 2010, 00:28:34 UTC
He shouldn't feel guilty at all. It is Kunzite's shoulder's upon which any guilt rests. After all, he is the one who failed to protect Jadeite from the enemy. He is the leader who allowed his subordinate... his friend and brother in arms... to be captured. It is his own guilt that keeps him watching over Jadeite in this way. So he steps a little closer, sensing something troubled from the younger man, and lays his palm on Jadeite's shoulder.

"The night is a cool one, and the air is fresh. It will be nice, to have it within the palace walls."


kingofloyalty March 24 2010, 00:45:14 UTC
Jadeite's eyes flicker to the hand, and he offers only a nod at first. There's a silence for a moment, the shitennou looks as if he might say something. Finally, he does, daring to look at Kunzite.

"For that time...thank you."


kingoftruth March 24 2010, 01:18:38 UTC
His eyes slide closed at the words, and he looks away, for a moment. He wants to remind Jadeite that he has no reason to be thankful, or remind him that the blame lies at Kunzite's feet to begin with. He manages to bite back the response, however, and instead, when he looks back to the blond, he says only,

"I acted to save you because you are one of the shitennou. Together, side by side, we are strong. I would never have left you at that fool's hands, Jadeite. I am only sorry I did not come sooner."


kingofloyalty March 24 2010, 03:10:58 UTC
"Mercury, too," Jadeite adds after a longer pause. "Tell her that for me. She didn't have a reason to, so I should be grateful to her too."

And he'll probably never admit that again.

"He will be defeated," Jadeite says then.


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