
Mar 03, 2010 22:07

"Find him!"

It was a rare day that was overcast in Crystal Tokyo, but it fit the mood. Warm wind stirred the air heavy with anticipation, and thunder rumbled in the distance.

It had been quiet at first, whisper to whisper among the senshi and shitennou and their King and Queen. Then the top generals had been informed, of Death Phantom and his intentions. Then some of the lower generals. It had spread like wildfire and only civilians were unaware of the threat they faced. Someone wanted to take over the Crystal Palace, and kill the King and Neo-Queen, the one who had brought them safety and peace in a time of great crisis.

Lightning whipcracked the sky. Thunder rumbled closer. Kunzite stood on a balcony that lead into a room that looked like it might be meant for conferences. A war meeting wasn't what this place was intended for, but if this threat wasn't taken care of, that's what it would become. Hand clutched habitually around his sword pommel, albeit a bit tighter than usual, he stared out over the city while the men left, barking orders to their staff even as they went. The other shitennou were with Endymion, and the senshi were with Serenity.

Sailorvenus was there too, she remained behind for a moment, and the two exchanged brief, solemn words before she too left the room. Left alone with his thoughts, Kunzite's expression grew dark, reflecting the brewing storm in his countenance.

Come see what's going on?

cosmos/serenity (white_polaris), endymion (aroyal_pain), *open to all, kunzite/ichiou shin (shiroi_petals), pallas/aisu miai (childishwisdom), kunzite (kiramekinoishi), venus/aino minako (shadowedgold), nephrite/sorano mari (firehairheart)

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