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venusian_thief February 17 2010, 21:47:32 UTC
When the Venusian Thief found herself in a strange room with four bodies lying on marble slabs, instead of the show room of the rich gentleman's house she'd been breaking into, she was understandably confused. There was a quick turn as she moved to look at the door she'd come through, but it was gone somehow, and she blinked. This... was very, very wrong. Narrowing her eyes, the thief moved slowly around the room, gazing at each body in turn... until she came to the last one... That silver haired man laid out upon the marble... What was this? Some kind of trick? And yet, she couldn't bring herself to attack yet, because this seemed far too real... far too strange... and, as always, the there was something familiar about the man, as if she'd known in some way other than an enemy...



windunchained February 17 2010, 21:52:31 UTC
Zoisite peers up at the girl who's suddenly appeared in front of him. Her? No; halfway in dreams still, he must remind himself she can only be an alternate. Still, he knows her. He knows her very well.

"Venus?" His mind should be telling him it's dangerous for her to be here, but instead he focuses all his efforts on sitting up after all, slowly and carefully.


venusian_thief February 17 2010, 21:59:36 UTC
The voice was wrong, somehow, but it could have been just that she was used to his strong shout, yelling at her across the battlefield. This time... he sounded weak, and it was a strange feeling to her, making her heart flutter in what felt almost like apprehension. Surprised at herself, Venus knew she couldn't let him see it, and so she took a step back, giving him a haughty look from behind her mask.

"It looks like you won't be catching me this time, Captain," she told him with a smirk.


windunchained February 17 2010, 22:02:47 UTC
If he were in full command of his wits, he'd note the small things immediately. As it is, the word 'captain' finally insists upon his attention.

"You are mistaken," he tells her. "I am no captain." He is hardly in a position to explain alternates and the nexus right now. Zoisite finally reaches a sitting position, where he tilts his head back, as if it's still hard to support.


venusian_thief February 17 2010, 22:12:13 UTC
"You think you can trick me?" Her tone was confident, but she couldn't help taking a step closer. She knew that this was no simple trick, but she couldn't let herself simply walk away, not when it seemed he was so weak. "I won't be so easily fooled. After all, I'm the Venusian Thief, not some common criminal."


windunchained February 17 2010, 22:21:40 UTC
"This is not where you belong," is all Zoisite can muster to say. "Go back to your-" He almost says world, but catches himself in time to replace it with, "home."

Her riddles and prancing around him are starting to make his head spin even worse.


venusian_thief February 17 2010, 22:30:10 UTC
The thief glared at him, even as some niggling thought in her tried to tell her that there was something far too wrong with the situation. Why wasn't the captain being his usual, smirking, domineering, annoying, confident self? Why wasn't he taunting her, as he so enjoyed, for falling into his trap? So Venus sauntered even closer, intent on finding out why.

"Don't be so rude, Shin-chan. Telling a lady like me to go away."


windunchained February 17 2010, 22:36:15 UTC
"Shin?" He breathes out the name, but it has no ring of familiarity, no recognition at all. He shakes his head, admitting his ignorance.

"I need rest," he says, hoping that Venus will understand that much, at least, and leave him in peace.


venusian_thief February 17 2010, 22:46:57 UTC
Blink. Blink. That didn't make sense at all! Why would he deny his own name. The thief leaned close, eying the captain... and something finally clicked. Despite how familiar he looked... it wasn't him! That was why... Her eyes went wide and she backed up quickly then, laughing nervously as she scratched the back of her head.

"Eh heh... heh... You're really not him, are you?"


windunchained February 17 2010, 22:51:00 UTC
"I am not Shin." An awful lot of people claim that, if only he knew, but this time it's nothing less than the full truth. He sinks down a little as the effort of staying upright after so long proves strenuous. He must get his strength back. He glances at the IV. Food, perhaps, would be helpful.


venusian_thief February 17 2010, 22:58:40 UTC
His glance at the IV made her feel even more flustered, so Venus rushed to his side quickly, this time full of a different sort of eagerness. He had recognized her, so... a fan, perhaps? And she had caused him so much trouble! She had to make up for it!

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bother you, but I'll make it up! You can bother me, if you want! An eye for a tooth!"


windunchained February 17 2010, 23:07:21 UTC
He doesn't correct the saying, whether from politeness or simple exhaustion. He thinks of asking her for food, but for all her strangeness she is still Venus; he can't treat her like some servant.

"I have no request," Zoisite tells Venus finally. "I don't even know what happened here."


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