~Ring, ring goes the bell...

Aug 06, 2009 18:00


The afternoon bell cuts short and the volume of students voices rises, feet and chairs clattering as they children rise. Lockers bang as they're closed, girls laughing and gossiping behind their hands, boys boasting and shouting plans to each other. Jun lets the crowd carry her, through the doors to the outside. The sea of students part around her and she stands at the top of the stairs, looking around for her friends. When she doesn't see them, she troops over to over to a short wall, sitting down.

Keychains jangle, an assortment of anything and everything that's caught her eye as Jun riffles through her bag. Pulling her sketch book out she leans back, propping it up against her knees. If Ceres was here she'd have a fit about the girl's seating arrangement, pointing out that it's unladylike and everyone can see her knickers. Honestly.

Lucky the older girl goes to a different school then.

Settling in Jun starts scribbling, humming to herself, tongue pushing the ring over her lip around. Every few minutes she glances up, frowning as the number of students leaving start to slow. Where are they? Shrugging she shifts, faint smile forming when she sees the crystal castle in the distance glint in the warm sunlight. Miai probably just got distracted by something shiny and Ana's too nice to drag her away. Heh. Jun chuckles herself, before going back to her scribbles.

[OOC: For those interested this is Jun's uniform, and these are the shoes she's wearing. Because the girl's gotta be different after all. Heh. And yes, if you chat to her, you will be in Crystal Tokyo. Enjoy~]

juno/kujaku jun (lighteningqueen), mars/hino rei (hinosong), jupiter/kino makoto (zig_zag_slash), jupiter/kino makoto (notinuniform), *open to all

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