I'll be the first to admit I don't explicitly pay attention to politics. At least, I hadn't before this year when I decided I actually WANTED to get immersed into American politics (still working at it -- it's not easy to be interested in all of the stuff)
Regardless, I was watching the address Obama gave tonight. My reaction? Eh. It was a good enough speech, inspirational enough, but there were a couple things that made me raise my eyebrows. The helping pay the house issues for ONLY responsible people was one such moment. Let's say I don't BUY that he actually will do that since I think plenty of irresponsible people will be getting aid too. It's a little hard to separate responsible from irresponsible IF you even DESIRE to do so. I don't know.
But anyway, the point of this is really Bobby Jindal's speech -- the GOP reaction to the address.
A couple things.
1) Very anectdotal (Reminds me of Obama. Have all potential president's made use of stories, or is it a recent fad?)
2) Had a moment in the beginning where he talked about the American public being captivated by the story of Obama's origins and then related it to himself. I'm not saying he made it up, why would he? I'm just saying, I find it interesting how he seems to be trying to garner the pizazz Obama got BECAUSE of these origins. A rally for the public in 2012?
3) Says that Obama's got it wrong, and then talked about things the GOP suggested that would work FAR better and how it was dashed. It was more of a...it is NOT bipartisan, but to me it also gave off undertones of GOP is AWESOME and always will be!!
4) Played on the ... not so positive feel of Obama -- the fact that he tends to say things ARE bad and you know the whole negative spiel. I like how Jindal twisted it so as to provide a cry to say the people can do anything and denounce this negativity.
5) Sounded more like a politically founded speech.
I honestly got the feel of more of a political candidate speech. He attacked the incumbent, molded what was to fit his agenda/message, spoke of his message and his party, reached out to the everyday American.
Hey, I like the way he talks though. It really dazzles. Catches my attention. Didn't agree with every idea in the "platform" I heard, but he speaks very nicely. He'd be a tough candidate to run against.
Anyone else notice that Pelosi smiles A LOT?