Aug 11, 2008 22:04
So, for the first part of my hopefully not too long discussion of Breaking Dawn. (The only reason I'm really cutting it into parts, is because I'm sick and lazy and don't feel like talking about the book in its entirety yet.)
Book I
Since I am cutting this into pieces I might as well go by book, right?
So, Book I...
Firstly, nowhere near as interesting as the other two books, but a necessary set-up nonetheless. The marriage went very interestingly, I think. I just love it when Alice plays dresser. Of course, Jacob showing up further antagonized me. I did not like Jacob in this section (or you know, in any of the past books) so I sort of didn't want to see that scene. Though, I must say his overreaction to protect Bella was nice enough, in that way that doesn't really make his character anymore appealing to me.
Seth's role I think was a very nice touch. He seemed to be the key to the connection of the two 'warring' enemies. The representation of a new era was very good. Plus, he was friends with the vampires, that's just awesome in itself. idea, also seemed like an unlikely even to ever happen. I mean, so I get that Edward has self control, but can he really have THAT much self-control? I've never had sex, so I guess I can't really say, but it just doesn't seem to make much sense in my head. They did the deed and Bella got a lot of nasty bruises. That's it?! No way that I can believe Edward has that much self-control. It just doesn't seem likely. Plus, Edward's fit at seeing Bella all bruised up was a tad annoying too. I don't know why exactly, I think something was off to me. Oh! Another self control point. How can he have enough self control to channel all the force into, say ripping the headboard apart, while still controlling the rest of his body? Hell, I know SMeyer paints him as 'perfect' in Bella's eyes, but even that does not seem possible to me. Sorry, but no.
Now to the meat of that real issue: the pregnancy. I wish I could say WTF, but in all honesty as I was reading through it I got the vague image that that was going to happen. I don't know if there were enough clues to piece it together, or if I just am weirdly odd like that. Not that the pregnancy makes much sense really. I mean, how can the vampires impregnate anyone? But, I digress. (Though, awful plot hole if you ask me).
Bella's reaction...was...well, I was expecting her to undergo some thought process as to what exactly was in her (since obviously vampire impregnating a human has to have some differences) but found there was hardly any. It seems just like snap, click, it's a baby and I intend to keep it. Not even a thought on how MAYBE it was a dangerous creature? Edward's shell-shocked reaction was amusing enough, though.
Calling Rosalie was something that didn't exactly cross my mind until it was mentioned, but as soon as it did, it made sense. I have further comments on her role in Book II but that waits for tomorrow, I guess.
All in all, you can say this book disappointed and frustrated me quite a bit. Sure, it sets up the scheme for all the other books, but it's just not right, you know? The wedding was nice enough, and the missile-proof glass car sure set up a nice schemata for chuckles. The Isle Esme was also interesting enough. I do love that line. About how the extravagant gift giving is a learned habit.
Comment if you'd like. Don't if you don't like. -shrug- whatever
Didn't proofread this, so it's more of a stream of consciousness type thing.
breaking dawn,