
May 29, 2008 17:07

I'm in Rochester again for the summer. I'm working in lab again...except my project is already halfway done. I'm living in Colony, but thinking of moving out. Mostly so I can get a kitty!

I got all A's and B's this quarter. Hopefully I'll have a decent GPA before graduating. I'm taking Research Methods(for my Psych minor), Ecology, Physucks III, and ASL II in the fall.

I love being around Masshole/RI drivers, even for a week.

Things are still going good with Martha.

Pride Boston June 14th, Pride Toronto June 28-29th. We're camping for Boston hopefully....idk about Toronto.

I had a lucid dream the other night. It was an amazing experience. I was sleeping Tuesday morning, and I was dreaming that I had driven back to Rochester at the same time, to help someone move. I was then going to drive back to Dighton. I was upset because I had realized it was stupid to drive out and back, and a waste of time, energy and gas. I was also really upset because I was missing out on a day out with my mom. I texted Martha to come back with me, to keep my company, but she couldn't. I sat down and began to cry. Then I realized I had to be dreaming. I pinched the skin on the top of my hand, and it didn't hurt. I knew then I was dreaming, and woke up.
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