I know it's the start of the weekend, so I'm going to leave this up until sometime next week.
What's your favorite vid for the fandom of your choice? I think I shared my top several for Merlin, once, but I want to know what's the vid that you saved because you loved it so much? Or the one that you're responsible for at least a hundred of its YouTube hits?
Seriously, it can be any fandom, I looooove vids and I promise to watch it, even if I don't know anything about your show/movie/book. It may even make me want to delve into your show/movie/book.
My favorite is Red, by
obsessive24 for Merlin:
Find more videos like this on Vidders It's simply one of the best made vids I've ever seen. Great editing, great story of the overall tragedy of Arthur's story and Merlin's devotion and adoration of him, and a song that wasn't familiar to me. Combine all of those elements and it's just outstanding.
What's your video rec of all recs?